I'm Kaicheng Yang, an algorithm researcher at DeepGlint. In 2021, I earned my master’s degree from Hebei University of Science and Technology. During 2018 to 2020, I had the opportunity to conduct research as a visiting student at Tsinghua University under the mentorship of Professor Hua Xu. My research interests include multimodal representation learning, vision-language pretraining, and contrastive learning.
- 2024.11: 🎉 ORID has been accepted by WACV2025.
- 2024.10: We present the Croc.
- 2024.09: 🎉 RWKV-CLIP has been accepted by EMNLP2024(Main).
- 2024.08: We present the CLIP-CID.
- 2024.07: 🎉 MLCD has been accepted by ECCV2024.
- 2024.06: We present the High-Fidelity Facial Albedo.
- 2024.04: Our team achieve 1st Place on the 1st SkatingVerse Challenge(18th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition workshop).
- 2024.03: 🎉 LaPA has been accepted by CVPRW2024.
- 2023.09: I will attend ICCV2023, happy to see you in ICCV (Paris) in person.
- 2023.09: 🎉 Our team achieve co-winner in OpenFAD Challenge(ICCV2023 workshop).
- 2023.07: 🎉 ALIP has been accepted by ICCV2023.
- 2023.05: I will attend ICLR2023, happy to see you in ICLR (Kigali) in person.
- 2023.01: 🎉 Unicom has been accepted by ICLR2023.
- 2022.10: We achieve 11/1022(top 1%) in the Google Universal Image Embedding Challenge(ECCV2022 Instance-Level Recognition workshop).
- 2020.10: 🎉 CM-BERT has been accepted by ACM MM2020(Oral).
- 2020.07: 🎉 CH-SIMS has been accepted by ACL2020.
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