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Releases: Kajitsy/Genshin-Star-Rail-CodeEntter

Just a small change

24 Aug 21:07
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  • displayOverlay, implemented earlier, is used instead of alert

Full Changelog: 2.2.7...

No more unnecessary actions

23 Aug 18:33
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A month and a half later, a new release

  • Now, when you enter the code and press the enter button, the site will not open, instead a request to the api will be executed
  • Every code you enter will be entered on every server where you are

Full Changelog: 2.2.6...2.2.7

[2.2.6] Support for Zelness Zone Zero, using a new font

06 Jul 20:36
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Hi everyone, it's been a long time, hasn't it?
I have come to you with a new update (^▽^)

  • The extension is now called HoYoverse CodeEnter, meaning support for most games from HoYoverse
  • A new font is being used, as the weight of the extension was very large due to custom settings
  • And well, Zenless Zone Zero support, automatic marks, code entry is supported

Well, I attach the archive to install it in Google Chrome or any other Chromium browser

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[] It's nothing.

15 Mar 11:55
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  • Added birthday boy's signature
  • Other improvements

Full Changelog: 2.2.5...

[2.2.5] Birthdays, only for characters by the way 😊

08 Mar 14:03
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I have to say that this idea came to me before I went to bed and I somehow wrote it in a day, spending a lot of time, I hope you like it.

  • Now if it's your birthday (This only applies to Genshin) your character will have certain customization that can be turned off.
  • What will it be? It's pretty simple, the background will be like a character's name card, their item will fall on the background, some will have buttons of their own color.

[] Snow melted

01 Mar 19:14
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Nothing super new, but of the basics:

  • Snow is cleared, waiting for next winter
  • Added font switch for the main popup window
  • Other highlights

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[] Light Theme in Options

10 Feb 12:27
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Fixed light theme

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[] Nothing visual

26 Jan 20:22
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The version is made almost on the knees and there's only one change:

  • Now "Only" popup windows will not be separate files, which will allow you to get rid of several files by combining them into a single one

Full Changelog: 2.2.4...

[2.2.4] Optimization and "Indicator", One Bugfix

20 Jan 19:16
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Version came out simply because I had time for it, well there was nothing else to do, life

  • Rewritten part of the extension, mostly optimization
  • Returned indicator, but in a different form, namely now if you are not logged in to your account on the marks site you will have a red background of the extension icon. If you are not playing HSR or GI, the background will be only half red.
    All this can be turned off, don't worry. The only thing is that you'll have to restart your browser...
  • Oh yeah, what a bugfix, just fixed a bug where you could press both "only" modes at the same time, I'm done.

Full Changelog: 2.2.3...2.2.4

[2.2.3] Snowflakes, circles, shadows, code.

18 Jan 19:14
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The update was supposed to be smaller, just with some bug fixes under, but it was too good mood and here it is...

  • Snowfall again, yes
  • Visual improvements
  • Interface rounding, it can be disabled in the settings
  • Shadows, you can't turn them off in the settings
  • Some localizations have been updated, and also the description of the extension in the browser has been changed
  • Rewritten dailychecker.js for future indicator, by the way it was removed because it doesn't work.