Explains how touchscreens work through an interactive experience and simple animations.
Below are instructions on how to prepare your environment to build and test the Tactile app.
You can build Tactile on the Raspberry Pi using the Kano OS system. First, make sure you're pointing to the development archive and suite:
sudo kano-dev staging apt
Install the Build-Depends as listed in debian/control file:
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential kano-graphics-libs kano-qt-sdk-dev libqt5all-dev
Add Qt5 build tools to your PATH:
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/qt5/bin' >> $HOME/.bashrc
source $HOME/.bashrc
Install Qt 5.11 or higher using brew. I've not tested installing through other channels so your mileage my vary.
brew install qt5
Edit your ~/.bash_profile
script and add the path to the Qt5 binaries, e.g.
export PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.11.1/bin:$PATH
You should be able to call qmake
from a terminal shell.
Next, comes the fun part - compiling all other dependencies. Clone the following
repos and have the following structure:
|-- tactile
|-- kano-qt-sdk
|-- kano-toolset
Compile libparson and symlink its header files:
cd ~/Kano/kano-toolset/libs/parson
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/include/parson
sudo ln -s `pwd`/* /usr/local/include/parson
sudo ln -s `pwd`/release/libparson.dylib /usr/local/lib
Compile libkano_logging and symlink its header files:
cd ~/Kano/kano-qt-sdk
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/include/kano/kano_logging
sudo ln -s `pwd`/lib/kano_logging/includes/* /usr/local/include/kano/kano_logging
sudo ln -s `pwd`/lib/build/* /usr/local/lib
NB This linux README is incomplete (installation issue not solved)
First update your system
sudo apt-get update
- Install QtCreator 5.11 or higher running these commands:
sudo apt install build-essential
sudo apt install qtcreator
If you want Qt 5 to be the default Qt version to be used when using development binaries like qmake, install the following package:
sudo apt install qt5-default
sudo apt install qt5-doc
sudo apt install qt5-doc-html qtbase5-doc-html
sudo apt install qtbase5-examples
You dont need to set the PATH, linux will do it for you!
If get the error: cannot find feature kano_i18n
then clone the following
repository and have the following structure:
|-- tactile
|-- kano-qt-sdk
|-- kano-toolset
mkdir containingFolder
mv tactile/ containingFolder/
Clone inside containingFolder
the repo kano-qt-sdk and the repo kano-toolset
Compile libparson
and symlink its header files:
cd ~/Kano/kano-toolset/libs/parson
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/include/parson
sudo ln -s `pwd`/* /usr/local/include/parson
On mac we have libparson.dylib
that in Linux is called libparson.so
. You
have to replace them:
sudo ln -s `pwd`/release/libparson.so /usr/local/lib
Compile libkano_logging and symlink its header files:
cd ~/Kano/kano-qt-sdk
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/include/kano/kano_logging
sudo ln -s `pwd`/lib/kano_logging/includes/* /usr/local/include/kano/kano_logging
sudo ln -s `pwd`/lib/build/* /usr/local/lib
If you get an error on make
Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: qml quick
You need to install qml and quick
sudo apt-get install qtdeclarative5-dev
NB You could find parson.h
in => /usr/local/include/parson/lib
If you run in this error fatal error: parson/parson.h: No such file or directory
is because user/local/include
in not in the path
You could do momentarily a local fix
cd kano-qt-sdk
open => features/kano_build_options.prf
And modify the file
-macx {
- LIBS += -L/usr/lib -L/usr/local/lib
- INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include /usr/local/include
+LIBS += -L/usr/lib -L/usr/local/lib
+INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include /usr/local/include
Eventually you should run:
run qmake
Enter in kano-kit server and copy the path that you need
- You can find the path with the command:
dpkg-query -L <package name>
=> Example:dpkg-query -L tactile
NOTE: dpkg-query -L <package name> | grep <name of the file>
NB This method won't work for a new file, use the install.file instead
- You can find the path using the install file in the debian folder NB You must complete manually the path
|-- bin
|-- build
|-- debian
Example res/ui
is inside the kano-kit => /usr/share/tactile
Example path /usr/share/tactile/
Use this command to login inside the kano-kit's server
Syntax ssh user@ip
=> Example: ssh [email protected]
NB You can find your kano-kit ip in the wifi's icon in the kano-kit itself
Now you can syncronize your local file with the kano kit file
NB You must exit the kano-kit server and use root as user run before to run this command
rsync -avi <path/where I am going copy from> [email protected]:/path/Where I going copy to/
=> rsync -av ui [email protected]:/usr/share/tactile/
NOTE: -n
it's gonna tell you the output without running the command for async
This command is just going to print the output
rsync -avinr res/ui/* [email protected]:/usr/share/tactile/ui/
See if it's ok then run the same command without the -n flag
rsync -avir res/ui/* [email protected]:/usr/share/tactile/ui/
If you see multiple file being update on your terminal:
<f+++++++++ Tactile/Wires/touch_a_grid.qml
<f+++++++++ Tactile/Wires/touch_a_wire.qml
<f+++++++++ Tactile/Wires/touch_indicator.qml
<f+++++++++ Tactile/Wires/touch_points.qml
<f+++++++++ Tactile/Wires/touchscreen.png
<f+++++++++ Tactile/Wires/wire.png
If you change the file you need to update the debian/changelog
If current version tactile (4.2.0-0)
Changelog => tactile (4.3.0-0)
tactile (4.3.0-0) unstable; urgency=low
* Change default text formatting to normal
-- Team Kano <[email protected]> Tue, 12 Mar 2019 15:35:00 +0000
tactile (4.2.0-0) unstable; urgency=low
* Fixed minor spelling errors
If in the changelog file there are already changes with the next version you should just update it.
You may be doing something wrong!
After setting up the environment on your platform of choice, you should be able
to build the project in the same way as in the debian/rules
Straightforwardly, compiling Tactile now is just:
qmake && make -j `nproc`
The binary will then be at:
Similarly, compiling should just be:
qmake && make -j 4
The binary will be at:
A few tips specific to working with this project.
You'll want to build using a make debug
variant rather than running the
release version. Moreover, the debug messages will by default go to the
syslog, so you'll need to disable:
in tactile.pro
in src/app.cpp
Make sure you don't forget to switch those back on when making a PR to master.
Create a new folder for your module in res/ui/Tactile
. Also, add the relevant
scene specification to the res/ui/scenes.js
file in order to use them further
in res/ui/flow.js