Current demonstrative functions:
Move playhead left/right with left/right arrow keys. (May be redundant with BW 2.5)
Toggle one of the first 4 sends on a selected track to 0 and back to what it was. Braindead implementation. Guaranteed buggy. WIP.
Open GUI of first synth on selected track with ctrl+shift+o. Due to way BW works, this device may not be the device you are looking for, in which case see next function...
Open GUI of first device on selected track whose name ends with "MAIN". Clunky and not particularly robust as yet.
Pre-requisites: Python, a virtual midi port.
- Install required Python modules...
pip install keyboard
pip install mido
pip install python-rtmidi
Put the files in your Bitwig Controller Scripts folder. (The .py Python file can be anywhere but one may as well keep them together)
Create a virtual midi cable/port on your machine. Attach this to the "KLF Extensions" controller in BW.
Edit the python file. The line that says: "outport = mido.open_output('VMK 4') ", change the 'VMK 4' to the name of the virtual midi device on your machine. You can list these with a "print (mido.get_output_names())" from python. This line is in the script, so you can just run the script once and look at the output. Further details at
Execute the Python file. e.g. "python" from a console (I've just been running it in debug mode using vscode)