Run Tsunami Network Scans on your servers and Get Notified on Critical findings
You should have a kubectl client configured to the cluster you wish workers will run on
That k8s cluster should have network access to the target servers
You should have Elastic & Kibana running. You can follow [Deploy ECK in your K8s cluster] ( or use your own existing tls disabled EK.
- Add an ES index called tsunami
curl -u "elastic:${ES_PASSWORD}" -k -XPUT "${ES_HOST}/tsunami"
- Add a kibana view for tsunami index
curl -u "elastic:qBQswjTM6tTUlwozsqqv07ff" -k -X POST "" -H 'kbn-xsrf: true' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
"index_pattern": {
"title": "tsunami"
- Add your alert rule to kibana. You can use this Kibana alerting rules API
I have Added a rule that runs every 24hr, checkes elastic docs matching the following ES query in the last 24 hr:
{ "query": { "bool" : { "must" : { "term" : { "scanFindings.vulnerability.severity" : "CRITICAL" } } } } }
Goto scripts folder and run
cd scripts #### Please read the help to understand the meaning of each flag ### bash -h #### bash -l "" -n 1 -e -p <password not conatining ~>
You can also provide a file instead of a servers list
NOTICE - You can run this priodically if you want to continually scan your servers (make sure the ips list is updated as well). This can be done as a cron/job/other, or run on demand
List of servers to scan is entered into a redis FIFO queue.
A k8s job is then run with number of parallel scans to be performed at once.
Each job takes an entry for the queue and runs the scan on.
If creats a json results file. I have found that the json contains too large and unusuful information.
The json can be sent to logstash to prase, but I found it simpler to remove those lines using sed.
That cleaned json is sent to ES.
The rules you defined in Kibana will run as defined to send Alerts.