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Audlang Specification

The Audience Definition Language is part of project Audlang to define a standard expression language for defining audiences for advertising purposes.

👉 Here you can find the motivation for this project.

This is primarily a specification project to maintain the Audience Definition Language Specification. Its main artifact is a zip-archive including the ANTLR4-grammar, the language documentation and a comprehensive number of samples for testing your parser implementation. Latest artifacts are available on Maven Central.

Because it was necessary to test the specification before creating a full-fledged parser implementation, I have created supplementary Java-code that runs during the build of this project but is not part of the zip-archive. Instead the build process additionally produces a JAR-artifact.

Clarification: In this project, we don't make any assumptions about the programming language used to implement the Audlang.

For creating a Java parser-implementation simply create a dependency to this JAR to inherit the generated ANTLR base-classes. The JAR also includes some supplementary code.


For further dependencies required to run the java code please refer to this project's POM.

💡 The generated samples are not part of the jar, but they can be generated on demand by using the classes from the aforementioned JAR. Review the test classes in this project for details.

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