» Download an IDE of your choice, preferably PyCharm you can download it here.
» Finish installing the programme to your pc and open it when you are done.
» Make sure you have python set up on your device. If you don't, download it here.
» Create a new project, set your base interpreter, if its not set, this should be the path to the .exe file of your installed python.
» You can set a few more settings if you want like the location of your project
» When you are done click create.
» Go to the File in the left up corner and search for Python Interpreter
» Add a dependency by clicking the + and searching for py-cord
» Click "Install Package"
» Wait for the packge to be installed and close the two pop up windows.
» Clear the main file you should see now. This will be used to register the bot.
» Now add this code to the class.
import discord
intents = discord.Intents.default()
# This sets the intents to the default intents of discord.
intents.message_content = True
# This allowes the bot to view the content of messages
client = discord.Bot(intents=intents)
# Creates the bot with the intents
# This sets the variable TOKEN with your token
» Next we will create the events.
import discord
intents = discord.Intents.default()
# This sets the intents to the default intents of discord.
intents.message_content = True
# This allowes the bot to view the content of messages
client = discord.Bot(intents=intents)
# Creates the bot with the intents
# This sets the variable TOKEN with your token
# This calls the event listener of py-cord to listen to the on_ready event and when its executed to run the code
async def on_ready():
print(f'{client.user} has connected to Discord!')
# This will be printed when the Bot has successfully connected to Discord
# This calls the event listener of py-cord to listen to the on_message event and when its executed to run the code
async def on_message(message):
if message.content == 'ping':
# This is checking if the message equals "ping"
channel = message.channel
# This gets the channel from discord and puts it into a variable
await channel.send('pong!')
# This is responding "pong" to the message
@client.slash_command(name='ping', description='Ping!')
# This calls the slash command manager of py-cord to create a new command with the name ping and description "Ping!"
# and when the command is executed to run the code
async def ping(ctx):
await ctx.respond(f"Pong!")
# This is responding "Pong!" to the command
# This will start the Bot
» Upload the main.py file to the Karlo-Hosting Panel