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Fix tiling (py) cm/cmp0
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Aba committed Oct 26, 2023
1 parent da04103 commit 383f235
Showing 1 changed file with 355 additions and 0 deletions.
355 changes: 355 additions & 0 deletions test/py/tiling.ipynb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
"cells": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 1,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"(16384, 10240, 26624)"
"execution_count": 1,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"import numpy as np\n",
"from collections import namedtuple\n",
"ib = 3\n",
"ROWS = 8\n",
"X_PAD = 5\n",
"KH_MAX = 11\n",
"text = '''{\n",
" {.n=8, .l=2, .kw=11, .coe=2, .coe_tl=2, .r_ll=2, .h=10, .w=8, .ci=3, .co=16, .w_kw2=3, .t=8, .p=3, .cm=1, .cm_p0=1, .w_bpt=272, .w_bpt_p0=272, .x_bpt=840, .x_bpt_p0=840, .is_bias=1, .b_offset=0, .b_val_shift=5, .b_bias_shift=0, .ca_nzero=0, .ca_shift=12, .ca_pl_scale=0, .x_header=414341061322735616, .x_header_p0=414341061322735616, .w_header=414587437826703360, .w_header_p0=414341061322735616 },\n",
" {.n=8, .l=2, .kw=1, .coe=24, .coe_tl=0, .r_ll=2, .h=10, .w=8, .ci=16, .co=16, .w_kw2=8, .t=1, .p=1, .cm=20, .cm_p0=16, .w_bpt=392, .w_bpt_p0=392, .x_bpt=13320, .x_bpt_p0=13320, .is_bias=0, .b_offset=16, .b_val_shift=0, .b_bias_shift=0, .ca_nzero=1, .ca_shift=7, .ca_pl_scale=0, .x_header=8700964375684448256, .x_header_p0=8700964375684448256, .w_header=8701210795138088960, .w_header_p0=8700964375684448256 },\n",
" {.n=8, .l=2, .kw=7, .coe=3, .coe_tl=4, .r_ll=2, .h=10, .w=8, .ci=16, .co=16, .w_kw2=5, .t=6, .p=8, .cm=2, .cm_p0=2, .w_bpt=344, .w_bpt_p0=344, .x_bpt=1672, .x_bpt_p0=1672, .is_bias=1, .b_offset=16, .b_val_shift=5, .b_bias_shift=0, .ca_nzero=1, .ca_shift=12, .ca_pl_scale=0, .x_header=846686625550303232, .x_header_p0=846686625550303232, .w_header=846933027824074752, .w_header_p0=846686625550303232 },\n",
" \n",
" {.n=8, .l=2, .kw=5, .coe=4, .coe_tl=4, .r_ll=2, .h=10, .w=8, .ci=16, .co=16, .w_kw2=6, .t=4, .p=4, .cm=4, .cm_p0=4, .w_bpt=488, .w_bpt_p0=488, .x_bpt=3336, .x_bpt_p0=3336, .is_bias=0, .b_offset=34, .b_val_shift=0, .b_bias_shift=0, .ca_nzero=1, .ca_shift=10, .ca_pl_scale=3, .x_header=1927550536119222272, .x_header_p0=1927550536119222272, .w_header=1927796989932601344, .w_header_p0=1927550536119222272 },\n",
" \n",
" {.n=8, .l=2, .kw=3, .coe=8, .coe_tl=8, .r_ll=2, .h=10, .w=8, .ci=16, .co=24, .w_kw2=7, .t=3, .p=3, .cm=6, .cm_p0=4, .w_bpt=440, .w_bpt_p0=296, .x_bpt=5000, .x_bpt_p0=3336, .is_bias=1, .b_offset=34, .b_val_shift=5, .b_bias_shift=0, .ca_nzero=0, .ca_shift=12, .ca_pl_scale=0, .x_header=3008414446688141312, .x_header_p0=1855492942081294336, .w_header=3008660883321651200, .w_header_p0=1855492942081294336 },\n",
" {.n=8, .l=2, .kw=1, .coe=24, .coe_tl=2, .r_ll=2, .h=10, .w=8, .ci=24, .co=50, .w_kw2=8, .t=3, .p=2, .cm=20, .cm_p0=4, .w_bpt=488, .w_bpt_p0=104, .x_bpt=16648, .x_bpt_p0=3336, .is_bias=0, .b_offset=58, .b_val_shift=0, .b_bias_shift=0, .ca_nzero=1, .ca_shift=10, .ca_pl_scale=3, .x_header=11006807384898142208, .x_header_p0=1783435348043366400, .w_header=11007053838711521280, .w_header_p0=1783435348043366400 },\n",
" {.n=1, .l=1, .kw=1, .coe=24, .coe_tl=0, .r_ll=8, .h=8, .w=1, .ci=4000, .co=10, .w_kw2=1, .t=1, .p=200, .cm=20, .cm_p0=20, .w_bpt=488, .w_bpt_p0=488, .x_bpt=138, .x_bpt_p0=138, .is_bias=1, .b_offset=58, .b_val_shift=5, .b_bias_shift=0, .ca_nzero=1, .ca_shift=15, .ca_pl_scale=3, .x_header=10952754293765046272, .x_header_p0=10952754293765046272, .w_header=10952754456973803520, .w_header_p0=10952754293765046272 }\n",
"text = text.replace('\\n', '')\n",
"text = text.replace(' ', '')\n",
"text = text.replace(';', '')\n",
"text = text.replace('.', '')\n",
"text = text[2:-2] # remove brackets\n",
"b_text_l = text.split('},{')\n",
"bundles = []\n",
"for b_text in b_text_l:\n",
" b_params_l = b_text.split(',')\n",
" b_params_d = {}\n",
" for item in b_params_l:\n",
" key, value = item.split('=')\n",
" b_params_d[key] = int(value)\n",
" bundles += [namedtuple('C_Bundle', b_params_d)(**b_params_d)]\n",
"ye = np.loadtxt(f\"D:/dnn-engine/test/vectors/{ib}_y_exp.txt\", dtype=np.int64)\n",
"yq = np.loadtxt(f\"D:/dnn-engine/test/vectors/{ib}_y_hwc.txt\", dtype=np.int64)\n",
"b = bundles[ib]\n",
"if ib == len(bundles)-1:\n",
" xe = yq\n",
" bo = b\n",
" xe = np.loadtxt(f\"D:/dnn-engine/test/vectors/{ib+1}_xe.txt\", dtype=np.int64)\n",
" bo = bundles[ib+1]\n",
"xe_arr = []\n",
"xe_copy = np.copy(xe)\n",
"for ixp in range(bo.p):\n",
" xcm = bo.cm_p0 if ixp==0 else\n",
" size = (ROWS+X_PAD)*xcm*bo.w*bo.l*bo.n\n",
" xe_sub_arr = xe_copy[0:size].reshape(bo.n,bo.l,bo.w,xcm,ROWS+X_PAD)\n",
" xe_copy = xe_copy[size:]\n",
" xe_arr += [xe_sub_arr]\n",
"ye.size, yq.size, xe.size"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 2,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"(C_Bundle(n=8, l=2, kw=5, coe=4, coe_tl=4, r_ll=2, h=10, w=8, ci=16, co=16, w_kw2=6, t=4, p=4, cm=4, cm_p0=4, w_bpt=488, w_bpt_p0=488, x_bpt=3336, x_bpt_p0=3336, is_bias=0, b_offset=34, b_val_shift=0, b_bias_shift=0, ca_nzero=1, ca_shift=10, ca_pl_scale=3, x_header=1927550536119222272, x_header_p0=1927550536119222272, w_header=1927796989932601344, w_header_p0=1927550536119222272),\n",
" C_Bundle(n=8, l=2, kw=3, coe=8, coe_tl=8, r_ll=2, h=10, w=8, ci=16, co=24, w_kw2=7, t=3, p=3, cm=6, cm_p0=4, w_bpt=440, w_bpt_p0=296, x_bpt=5000, x_bpt_p0=3336, is_bias=1, b_offset=34, b_val_shift=5, b_bias_shift=0, ca_nzero=0, ca_shift=12, ca_pl_scale=0, x_header=3008414446688141312, x_header_p0=1855492942081294336, w_header=3008660883321651200, w_header_p0=1855492942081294336))"
"execution_count": 2,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"b, bo"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"Python Reshape: y_engine -> y_hwc\n",
"y1 = np.copy(ye).reshape(b.t, b.n, b.l, b.w*b.coe, ROWS)\n",
"y_w_last = y1[:,:,:,-(*b.coe:,:]\n",
"y_w_last = y_w_last.reshape(b.t,b.n,b.l,b.coe,(,ROWS)\n",
"y_w_last = y_w_last.transpose(0,1,2,4,3,5) #(t,l,n,(kw//2+1),coe,ROWS)\n",
"y_w_last = y_w_last.reshape(b.t,b.n,b.l,(,b.coe,ROWS)\n",
"y_w_last = y_w_last.reshape(b.t,b.n,b.l,(*b.coe,ROWS)\n",
"y1[:,:,:,-(*b.coe:,:] = y_w_last\n",
"y1 = y1.reshape(b.t,b.n,b.l,b.w,b.coe,ROWS)\n",
"y1 = y1.transpose(1,2,5,3,0,4)\n",
"y1 = y1.reshape((b.n, b.l*ROWS, b.w, b.coe*b.t))\n",
"y1 = y1[:,:b.h,:,]\n",
"np.sum(np.abs(y1 - yq.reshape(y1.shape)))"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 4,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"execution_count": 4,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"Python Reshape: y_hwc -> x_engine (bo)\n",
"x1 = np.copy(yq).reshape(bo.n, bo.h, bo.w,\n",
"x1 = np.pad(x1, ((0,0),(0,ROWS*bo.l-bo.h),(0,0),(0,0))) # (XN, L*HL , XW, CI)\n",
"x1 = x1.reshape (bo.n, bo.l, ROWS, bo.w, # (XN, L, HL, XW, CI)\n",
"zeros = np.zeros((bo.n, bo.l, ROWS+X_PAD, bo.w,,x1.dtype) # (XN,L,ROWS+X_PAD,XW,CI)\n",
"zeros[:,:,:ROWS,:,:] = x1\n",
"''' Fill bot rows from next '''\n",
"for l in range(bo.l):\n",
" if l == bo.l-1:\n",
" zeros[:,l, ROWS: ,:,:] = np.zeros((bo.n,X_PAD,bo.w,,x1.dtype)\n",
" else:\n",
" zeros[:,l, ROWS: ,:,:] = x1[:,l+1,:X_PAD,:,:]\n",
"x1 = zeros # (XN,L,ROWS+X_PAD,XW,CI)\n",
"x1 = x1.transpose(0,1,3,4,2) # (XN,L,XW,CI,ROWS+X_PAD)\n",
"x1 = x1.reshape((bo.n, bo.l, bo.w,, (ROWS+X_PAD)))\n",
"x_list = []\n",
"ic_left = ic_right = 0\n",
"for ip in range(bo.p):\n",
" CM_p = bo.cm_p0 if ip==0 else\n",
" ic_right += CM_p\n",
" xp = x1[:,:,:, ic_left:ic_right, :] #(XN, L, XW, CM, (ROWS+bo.x_pad))\n",
" assert xp.shape == (bo.n, bo.l, bo.w, CM_p, (ROWS+X_PAD))\n",
" x_list += [xp.flatten()]\n",
" ic_left = ic_right\n",
"x1 = np.concatenate(x_list)\n",
"np.sum(np.abs(x1 - xe))"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 5,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"(0, 0)"
"execution_count": 5,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"yq_exp = np.zeros((b.n, b.h, b.w,, dtype=np.int64)\n",
"ye_flat = ye.flatten()\n",
"xe_gen = np.zeros(xe.size, dtype=np.int64)\n",
"def write_xe_gen(val, ixp, ixn, ixl, ixw, ixcm, ir, bo, X_CMP):\n",
" \n",
" exp_val = xe_arr[ixp][ixn,ixl,ixw,ixcm,ir]\n",
" assert val == exp_val, f\"{(val, ixp, ixn, ixl, ixw, ixcm, ir, X_CMP)=}\"\n",
" pp_n2r = ixn * ( bo.l * bo.w * X_CMP * (ROWS+X_PAD)) \\\n",
" + ixl * ( bo.w * X_CMP * (ROWS+X_PAD)) \\\n",
" + ixw * ( X_CMP * (ROWS+X_PAD)) \\\n",
" + ixcm * ( (ROWS+X_PAD)) \\\n",
" + ir\n",
" if ixp == 0:\n",
" pp = pp_n2r\n",
" else:\n",
" pp = bo.n * bo.l * bo.w * bo.cm_p0 * (ROWS+X_PAD) \\\n",
" +(ixp-1) * (bo.n * bo.l * bo.w * * (ROWS+X_PAD)) \\\n",
" + pp_n2r\n",
" \n",
" xe_gen[pp] = val\n",
" \n",
" assert ir < ROWS+X_PAD, f\"{ir=} >= {ROWS+X_PAD=}\"\n",
" assert ixcm < X_CMP , f\"{ixcm=} >= {X_CMP=}\"\n",
" assert ixw < bo.w , f\"{ixw=} >= {bo.w=}\"\n",
" assert ixl < bo.l , f\"{ixl=} >= {bo.l=}\"\n",
" assert ixn < bo.n , f\"{ixn=} >= {bo.n=}\"\n",
" assert ixp < bo.p , f\"{ixp=} >= {bo.p=}\"\n",
" assert pp < xe_gen.size, f\"{pp=} >= {xe_gen.size=}; {ir=}/{(ROWS+X_PAD)=}, {ixcm=}/{X_CMP=}, {ixw=}/{bo.w=}, {ixl=}/{bo.l=}, {ixn=}/{bo.n=}, {ixp=}/{bo.p=}; {(ROWS+X_PAD)*bo.w*bo.l*bo.n*(bo.cm_p0+(bo.p-1)*}, {exp_val=}, {val=}\"\n",
" return pp\n",
"y_ptr = 0\n",
"i_xcm = 0\n",
"i_xp = 0\n",
"X_CMP = bo.cm_p0 # since ixp=0\n",
"for i_t in range(b.t):\n",
" for i_n in range(b.n):\n",
" for i_l in range(b.l):\n",
" for i_w_kw2 in range(b.w_kw2):\n",
" w_last = if i_w_kw2 == b.w_kw2-1 else 1\n",
" for i_coe in range (b.coe):\n",
" for iw_last in range(w_last):\n",
" for i_r in range(ROWS):\n",
" val = ye_flat[y_ptr]\n",
" y_ptr +=1\n",
" i_yn = i_n\n",
" i_yh = ROWS*i_l + i_r\n",
" i_yw = i_w_kw2 + iw_last\n",
" i_yc = b.coe*i_t + i_coe\n",
" if i_yh >= b.h or i_yc >=\n",
" continue\n",
" \n",
" yq_exp[i_yn, i_yh, i_yw, i_yc] = val\n",
" \n",
" '''\n",
" Calc x coordinates: [p, n, l, w,cmp, r+pad]\n",
" '''\n",
" i_xn = i_n\n",
" i_xw = i_yw\n",
" i_xh = i_yh\n",
" i_xr = i_xh % ROWS\n",
" i_xl = i_xh // ROWS\n",
" if i_yc < bo.cm_p0:\n",
" i_xp = 0\n",
" i_xcm = i_yc\n",
" X_CMP = bo.cm_p0\n",
" else:\n",
" i_xp = (i_yc - bo.cm_p0) // + 1\n",
" i_xcm = (i_yc - bo.cm_p0) %\n",
" X_CMP =\n",
" ''' Write Val '''\n",
" write_xe_gen(val, i_xp, i_xn, i_xl, i_xw, i_xcm, i_xr, bo, X_CMP)\n",
" ''' Padding the [bottom X_PAD rows of previous block (l-1)] with [first X_PAD rows of this block (l)]'''\n",
" if i_xr < X_PAD:\n",
" if i_xl == 0:\n",
" write_xe_gen(0, i_xp, i_xn, bo.l-1, i_xw, i_xcm, i_xr+ROWS, bo, X_CMP)\n",
" # print(xp, xe_gen[xp], 'pad zero')\n",
" else:\n",
" write_xe_gen(val, i_xp, i_xn, i_xl-1, i_xw, i_xcm, i_xr+ROWS, bo, X_CMP)\n",
" # print(xp, xe_gen[xp], 'pad val')\n",
" \n",
" # if (i_l == bo.l-1) and (i_xr == bo.r_ll-1):\n",
" # '''Last row of last block in y, but i_xr is not complete (need zero padding for block)'''\n",
" # write_xe_gen(0,i_xp, i_xn, bo.l-1, i_xw, i_xcm, i_xr+ROWS, bo, X_CMP)\n",
" # i_xr += 1\n",
" # else:\n",
" # break\n",
" \n",
"np.sum(np.abs(yq_exp.flatten()-yq)), np.sum(np.abs(xe_gen - xe))"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
"metadata": {
"kernelspec": {
"display_name": "torch",
"language": "python",
"name": "python3"
"language_info": {
"codemirror_mode": {
"name": "ipython",
"version": 3
"file_extension": ".py",
"mimetype": "text/x-python",
"name": "python",
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
"version": "3.10.10"
"orig_nbformat": 4
"nbformat": 4,
"nbformat_minor": 2

0 comments on commit 383f235

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