This is an opinionated Rails application designed to be used as a starter or example on how to implement a REST API with row based multitenancy and extra security by leveraging PostgreSQL's Row Level Security (RLS).
- Row based multitenancy for data isolation (adding tenant_id to almost all tables).
- Automatically add
to database queries using activerecord-multi-tenant. - A sencond layer of security for data restriction by using PostgreSQL's Row Level Security (see PG Docs). Easy policy definition, migrations and controller integration with rls_rails.
- Email authentication using Devise Token Auth, including:
- User registration, creation, update and deletion
- Login and logout
- Password reset, account confirmation
- Permission based authorization using CanCanCan.
- Graph API using RESTful Resources by leveraging the amazing Graphiti gem, which includes:
- JSON:API specification (also supports JSON and XML responses)
- Sorting
- Pagination
- Filtering
- Statictics
- Error handling
- Side-loading and side-posting
- Test framework setup ready for writing unit, request, resource and API tests (Rspec + Factory Bot + Faker + Shoulda Matchers + Database Cleaner + Graphiti spec helpers). Includes tests for users, roles, sessions, registrations and token validations.