Automated service for processing BEP3 refunds on Kava and Binance Chain.
Clone the example env file
cp ./refund/example-env ./refund/.env
Running the refund bot is straightforward. Simply declare a new RefundBot, initialize its Kava client and Binance Chain client, then refund swaps on a cron job. Here's a working example:
var main = async () => {
// Load environment variables
const cronTimer = process.env.CRONTAB;
const kavaLcdURL = process.env.KAVA_LCD_URL;
const kavaMnemonic = process.env.KAVA_MNEMONIC;
const bnbChainLcdURL = process.env.BINANCE_CHAIN_LCD_URL;
const bnbChainMnemonic = process.env.BINANCE_CHAIN_MNEMONIC;
const bnbChainDeputy = process.env.BINANCE_CHAIN_DEPUTY_ADDRESS;
// Initiate refund bot
refundBot = new RefundBot(bnbChainDeputy);
await refundBot.initKavaClient(kavaLcdURL, kavaMnemonic);
await refundBot.initBnbChainClient(
// Start cron job
cron.schedule(cronTimer, () => {
// Optional: print Binance Chain offsets hourly for debugging
cron.schedule("* 1 * * *", () => {