This file will help to modify the content of any file. It could be .yaml file, .py file , .txt etc. And also help to run main python program script in loop each time with new modified/updated file.
I have created this script. Because I need to run my main program again and again with different dates in configuration.yaml file. If I do it manually then I need to change the date manually each time in .yaml file and then need to run main program. I need to do this process for multiple dates. So I created this script to do it automatically for me just by giving a start_date, previous date , nb_dates, frequency as parameter.
Previous_date: date already exist in my configuration.yaml file that I need to replace with new date value.
Start_date: very first date that I need to change in configuration.yaml file.
nb_dates: How many number of dates I need to add in datelist from Start_date value.
frequency: How much should be frequency of dates to create. I have used 7 days. So it will create a date from current day to next 7th day.
Algorithmic steps:
- So I created a list of dates which I need to modify each time in .yaml file.
- Then I have created a for loop which take dates one by one from datelist.
- I have also created a function that will take the current iteration date value from for loop and replace old date in .yaml file with current date.
- After running this function It will run the main program file with updated current date configurations
Note: Install all python required module to run this script by running requirment.txt file first. Command to run requirement.txt: $ pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt. Command to run AutomaticPythonScriptModificationAndAutoRunIt/ $python3 path/to/python/file/AutomaticPythonScriptModificationAndAutoRunIt/