you can change a value within {} as you like
- open your terminal and copy and paste below
{your_directory} $ curl -s "{app_name}" | bash
- if you finished, move directory and build containers of the docker
$ cd {app_name}
{app_name} $ ./vendor/bin/sail up -d
- after you built a dev environment, you run built-in server while running containers
{app_name} $ ./vendor/bin/sail up -d
{app_name} $ ./vendor/bin/sail artisan serve
- click a following link to http://localhost to confirm laravel is working
- if you confirmed a welcome page, you run
./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate
for checking connection of database
{app_name} $ ./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate
- if you reach this line, you are ready to develop an application🎉
- push a remote repository on github.
- the commands from the next line is the way you push a existing a repository, so you create a remote repository of a project on github before run the commands
{app_name} $ git init
{app_name} $ git add .
{app_name} $ git commit -m "first commit"
{app_name} $ git remote add origin {your_uri_of_remote_repository}
{app_name} $ git branch -M main
{app_name} $ git push origin -u main
- you type
before artisan commands- exmaples
$ ./vendor/bin/sail aritsan serve $ ./vendor/bin/sail aritsan tinker $ ./vendor/bin/sail aritsan db $ ./vendor/bin/sail aritsan db:seed $ ./vendor/bin/sail aritsan migrate $ ./vendor/bin/sail aritsan migrate:refresh $ ./vendor/bin/sail aritsan migrate:refresh --seed $ ./vendor/bin/sail aritsan migrate:fresh $ ./vendor/bin/sail aritsan migrate:fresh --seed $ ./vendor/bin/sail aritsan make:controller $ ./vendor/bin/sail aritsan make:model $ ./vendor/bin/sail aritsan make:migration $ ./vendor/bin/sail aritsan make:seeder $ ./vendor/bin/sail aritsan make:factory $ ./vendor/bin/sail aritsan make:middleware $ ./vendor/bin/sail aritsan make:rule $ ./vendor/bin/sail aritsan make:scope