Features in this release
- Nette 3 support
- Coding standard updated
- Travis cleanup and unification
- Composer, compatibility packages and loading
PR #85
Coding standard
- Use
- Return types where posible, anotated all the array returned
- Typed method arguments where possible, anotated otherwise
- Upper cased null/false/true
- Global function fqn
- Removed unused nette libraries
- Added PHPStan to travis
- Added CodingStandard to travis
- Autoload set to PSR4
- Supported PHP => 7.1
- Nette/Caching to ~3.0
- Nette/Deprecated to ~3.0
- Nette/DI to ~2.4.10 || ~3.0
- Nette/Http ~2.4.7 || ~3.0
- Nette/Utils ~2.5 || ~3.0
- Nette/Reflection ~2.4
- Removed
because they had outdated methods and docblocks, needed to be updated with redis changes. Also they had same methods as\Redis
and as interfaces they needed to have same type hints as implemented classes wich depends on installed version on client server. All this meant 30+ CS and PHPStan skipped rules and no added value. So use default\Redis
hinting and if needed add some undocumented stuff add it in docblok of\Kdyby\Redis\Driver\PhpRedisDriver::class
since it is named driver it is appropriate place. class RedisLuaJournal extends RedisJournal implements Nette\Caching\Storages\IJournal
->class RedisLuaJournal extends \Kdyby\Redis\RedisJournal
- Composer requires ext-redis (php check remains)
Exceptions moved to separate files and changed namespace. For compatibility there is Typo3/ClassAliasLoader with aliased old namespaces. For future uses please use new namespaces.
\Kdyby\Redis\ConnectionException => \Kdyby\Redis\Exception\ConnectionException
\Kdyby\Redis\Exception => \Kdyby\Redis\Exception\IException
\Kdyby\Redis\InvalidArgumentException => \Kdyby\Redis\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
\Kdyby\Redis\LockException => \Kdyby\Redis\Exception\LockException
\Kdyby\Redis\MissingExtensionException => \Kdyby\Redis\Exception\MissingExtensionException
\Kdyby\Redis\RedisClientException => \Kdyby\Redis\Exception\RedisClientException
\Kdyby\Redis\SessionHandlerException => \Kdyby\Redis\Exception\SessionHandlerException
\Kdyby\Redis\TransactionException => \Kdyby\Redis\Exception\TransactionException
Argument types and return types (mentioning only some which can be problem)
is private- Config option array_key(
) is expected string|null \Kdyby\Redis\Diagnostics::TIMER_NAME
is private- Added types
now accepts only declared arguments, droppedfunc_get_args
- Added types
- Added types
- Added types
- Added types
- Added types
- Added types
- Added types
- Added types
- Added types
- Added types
- Added types
- Added types
and Lua version constants made private- Added types
- Added types
constants made private- Added types
- Added types
- Added types
- Added types
- Added types
And more, see #85 for all changes