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Microelectrode Array Network Formation Assay Pre-Processing Scripts

These scripts can be used to process the experimental data from microelectrode array recordings.

For a step-by-step guide, see documentation/guide_to_prepare_mea_nfa_level0_for_tcpl. For an example script that runs the functions, see Template_project/run_me_Template.Rmd. This guide was designed for pre-processing data from the Network Formation Assay done in the EPA Shafer Lab, but it can be adapted for others.


These scripts are derived from the packages sjemea and meadq. These packages are availabe on GitHub and contain most of the functions used to calculate the feature values in these scripts. (Links to pages on GitHub: sjemea, meadq )

Narrative of the process

Raw data: spike list files

The inital raw data used is the spike list csv files created by Axion's Spike Detector from microelectrode array recordings. One spike list file is created for each plate and for each day of recording, days in vitro (DIV) 5, 7, 9, and 12. The spike list files are csv files with the columns:

Time (s) Electrode Amplitude(mV)
... ... ...

where the first column records the time of each spike, the second column records the ID of the electrode that spiked, and the third column records the amplitude of the spike. Each recording spans ~900 seconds (15 minutes).

h5 files

The scripts h5_conversion.R and spike_list_functions.R convert the raw data into the Hierarchical Data Format .h5. This file type is designed to handle large amounts of data. One h5 file is created for each spike list file.

16 features values

The scripts create_burst_ont_Data.R,, and create_ont_csv.R calculate 16 features from the spike list files. The table below summarizes the 16 features.

Note that these are all well-level values.

A "burst" on an electrode is a set of spikes that occur in rapid succession. Using the max-interval method with the default set of parameters, a set of spikes must satisfy these conditions in order to be considered a burst (adapted from Brown et al., 2016):

  • The time in between the first 2 spikes in the burst <= 0.1s
  • The maximum time in between any 2 spikes in the burst <= 0.25s (This is called the "inter-spike interval," or ISI. There can be an ISI up to 0.8s in a burst if those spikes are followed by another set of spikes with ISI less than 0.1)
  • The number of spikes in the burst >= 5 spikes
  • The duration of the burst >= 0.05s
  • The amount of time in between bursts >= 0.8s

A "network spike" is a group of spikes that occur on several electrodes at the same time. The definition for a network spike was inspired by Eytan & Marom, 2006. In our scripts, a network spike is calculated as follows:

The entire recording is divided into 0.05 s time bins. A network spike occurs when at least 5 electrodes fire in 1 time bin. The peak of a network spike is the maximum number of electrodes involved in a spike. The duration of a network spike is the length of time between when half of the peak number of electrodes spiked before and after the time at the peak. See documentation/feature_calcuation_notes.html for more details.

Name Description Abbreviation TCPL acnm
Number of Active Electrodes (AE) # of electrodes where mean firing rate >= 5 spikes/min nAE CCTE_Shafer_MEA_dev_active_electrodes_number
Mean Firing Rate # spikes per second, averaged over all AE in each well meanfiringrate CCTE_Shafer_MEA_dev_firing_rate_mean
Burst Rate # bursts per minute, averaged over all AE in each well burst.per.min CCTE_Shafer_MEA_dev_burst_rate
Number of Actively Bursting Electrodes (ABE) # of electrodes where burst rate >= 0.5 bursts/min nABE CCTE_Shafer_MEA_dev_bursting_electrodes_number
Mean Burst Duration mean duration of bursts (s), averaged over all ABE in each well mean.dur CCTE_Shafer_MEA_dev_burst_duration_mean
Mean Interburst Interval mean interval between bursts (s), averaged over all ABE in each well mean.IBIs CCTE_Shafer_MEA_dev_interburst_interval_mean
Interspike Interval in a Burst mean interspike interval (s) within a burst, averaged over all ABE in each well mean.isis CCTE_Shafer_MEA_dev_per_burst_interspike_interval
Percent of Spikes in Burst # of spikes within bursts divided by total spike count, averaged over all ABE in each well CCTE_Shafer_MEA_dev_per_burst_spike_percent
Number of Network Spikes # of network spikes in each well during the 15 minute recording ns.n CCTE_Shafer_MEA_dev_network_spike_number
Network Spike Peak max # of electrodes particpating in a network spike, averaged over all network spikes during recording ns.peak.m CCTE_Shafer_MEA_dev_network_spike_peak
Mean Network Spike Duration mean duration (s) of all network spikes in each well ns.durn.m CCTE_Shafer_MEA_dev_spike_duration_mean
Standard Deviation of Network Spike Duration standard deviation of duration of all network spikes in well CCTE_Shafer_MEA_dev_network_spike_duration_std
Mean correlation mean Pearson correlations between pairs of AE, averaged on AE r CCTE_Shafer_MEA_dev_correlation_coefficient_mean
Percent of Spikes in Network Spike total # of spikes within 0.05 s of the peak of a network spike / total # of spikes in well during recording CCTE_Shafer_MEA_dev_per_network_spike_spike_percent
Mean Number of Spikes in Network Spikes total # of spikes within 0.05 s of the peak of a network spike / # of network spikes CCTE_Shafer_MEA_dev_per_network_spike_spike_number_mean
Inter-Network Spike Interval mean time between peaks of consecutive network spikes (s) ns.mean.insis CCTE_Shafer_MEA_dev_inter_network_spike_interval_mean

The scripts will create one csv file containing these feature values will for each plate. Values from each DIV recording will be in separate rows.

Mutual Information

The mutual information is a robust feature that describes both the global synchrony and level of activity in a network. See A multivariate extension of mutual information for growing neural networks by Ball et al., 2017 (doi, link for more information. The scripts spikeLoadRoutines.R, nmi_wrapper.R, and nmi2_final.R contain the functions used to calculate the mutual information.

Name Description Abbreviation TCPL acsn
Normalized Mutual Information concurrently measures synchrony and activity of the neural network mi CCTE_Shafer_MEA_dev_mutual_information_norm

The calculation of the mutual information is computationally intensive. Therefore, this feature is calculated separately from the rest of the features. The script MI_script_all.R is designed to calculate the mutual information for all plates. The scripts will create one csv file containing the mutual information for each plate.

Area Under the Curve

We want to quantify the alterations to development over time in treated wells compared to control wells. In order to "sum up" the overall changes in a feature value, we calculate the trapezoidal Area Under the Curve (AUC). See this example image of the development of the mean firing rate in a given well over time. The AUC value will be used to compare the overall increase or decrease of a feature in treated wells versus control wells.

The script parameter_values_to_AUC.R uses the trapz function from the pracma package to calculate the trapezoidal AUC for each feature.


  • When there are no bursts or network spikes in a well, many features that measure some aspect of bursts or network spikes are NA. In order to calculate the area under the curve, these NA values are set to 0. Below is a list of the features that are sometimes NA. Setting NA values to 0 might be reconsidered in the future for some of these endpoints.

    • Mean Burst Duration
    • Network Spike Peak
    • Network Spike Duration
    • Mean Number of Spikes in Network Spikes
    • Interspike Interval
    • Mean Interburst interval
    • Interspike Interval in Network Spikes
    • Standard Deviation of Network Spike Duration
  • Optionally, data points at DIV 2 (of 0 value) are added before calculating the AUC for consistency with data historically produced in the Shafer lab.

Cytotoxicity data

After the cells are grown on the plates for 12 days, two assays are used to assess to the cell viability - CellTiter-Blue and Lactate Dehydrogenase.

The CellTiter-Blue assay (also called Alamar Blue) measures the amount of reagent metabolized by living cells in each well. First, reagent is added to each well. Then, some media from each well is transferred to an opaque 96-well plate. The fluorescence of resazurin, a metabolite of the reagent, is measured. Three blank wells that contain only reagent are used as a baseline fluorescence values. The average of the fluorescence in the three blank-corrected wells is subtracted from the raw fluorescence values in the remaining 48 wells. (See for example Brown et al. (2016) for more information). In the ToxCast Pipeline, the blank-corrected values in the treated wells are normalized to the median value in control wells.

The total lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) assay is also used to quantify the number of living cells in treated wells versus control wells. First, all of the media is removed from each well in order to remove any LDH already released from dying cells. Then, a lysis solution is added to lyse all living cells. Next, the lysis solution is transferred to another plate with a solution containing tetrazolium salt. The LDH in the solution is allowed to transform the tetrazolium salt in red formazan for 30 minutes until a stop solution is added. The optical density of red formazan is measured. The amount of red formazan produced reflects the amount of LDH released from the cells that were living at the start of the assay. Three blank wells containing only lysis solution are used as a baseline optical density value. This information was synthesized from Frank et al. (2017), the product description for CytoTox 96 Non-Radioactive Cytotoxicity Assay, and additional summary data on the LDH assay as done in the Shafer lab. In the ToxCast Pipeline, the blank-corrected values in the treated wells are normalized to the median value in control wells.

For both assays, the script run_cytotox_functions.R handles the steps to extract the blank-corrected values from excel sheets. Any negative blank-corrected values are set to zero.

Data transformations and checking

Finally, the run_me_Template.Rmd script contains many suggested steps to transform and clean the output .csv files input a "level 0" table that is ready for hit-calling and curve-fitting with the ToxCast Pipeline R package.


Pre-processing scripts for Shafer lab MEA network formation assay







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