Co-simulation exsample of SystemC and Icarus Verilog.
SystemC testbench provides stimulus to Verilog DUT, and captures responses from the Verilog DUT.
Icarus Verilog version 11.0
SystemC version 2.3.3
Configure the SYSTEMC_DIR in bin/ to fit to your environment. The default is "/usr/local/systemc-2.3.3".
cd sysc-iv-sample/work
../bin/ ../scenario/test_1.v
Making vpi_stub.vpi from vpi_stub.o mod_a.cpp.o mod_a_tb.cpp.o...
Icarus Verilog started
VCD info: dumpfile dump.vcd opened for output.
#0 s SystemC started
#100 ns rst_x is deasserted
Mon Input: #120 ns i_valid = 1 i_in_a = 069 i_in_b = 073
Mon Output: #120 ns o_valid = 1 o_out = 02d
Mon Input: #130 ns i_valid = 1 i_in_a = 051 i_in_b = 0ff
Mon Output: #130 ns o_valid = 1 o_out = 0dc
Mon Input: #140 ns i_valid = 1 i_in_a = 04a i_in_b = 0ec
Mon Output: #140 ns o_valid = 1 o_out = 050
Mon Input: #150 ns i_valid = 1 i_in_a = 029 i_in_b = 0cd
Mon Output: #150 ns o_valid = 1 o_out = 036
Mon Input: #160 ns i_valid = 1 i_in_a = 0ba i_in_b = 0ab
Mon Output: #160 ns o_valid = 1 o_out = 0f6
Mon Input: #170 ns i_valid = 1 i_in_a = 0f2 i_in_b = 0fb
Mon Output: #170 ns o_valid = 1 o_out = 065
Mon Input: #180 ns i_valid = 1 i_in_a = 0e3 i_in_b = 046
Mon Output: #180 ns o_valid = 1 o_out = 0ed
Mon Input: #190 ns i_valid = 1 i_in_a = 07c i_in_b = 0c2
Mon Output: #190 ns o_valid = 1 o_out = 029
Mon Input: #200 ns i_valid = 1 i_in_a = 054 i_in_b = 0f8
Mon Output: #200 ns o_valid = 1 o_out = 03e
Mon Input: #210 ns i_valid = 0 i_in_a = 054 i_in_b = 0f8
Mon Output: #210 ns o_valid = 1 o_out = 04c
The simulation is successfully done.
#310 ns SystemC stopped
Info: /OSCI/SystemC: Simulation stopped by user.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details