The PARSL SEED token based on claimable.token from AirdropsDAC that allows a more rapid recovery of RAM.
Additioanl features include stake, unstake, reclaim, and "airdrop into staked state".
The accounts table shows the full SEED balance at all times regardless of staked, refunding, or liquid state.
Added to the balance table is the claimed boolean flag.
When the token is issued claimed = false and the RAM is paid by the issuer.
When the token is transferred the balance row is dropped and re-added using the RAM of the owner.
Tokens can also be explicitly claimed using the claim
action, if the owner doesn't want to transfer.
In theory, unclaimed tokens can be recover
ed after some claiming period to have guaranteed RAM recovery.
- stake
Allows a user to lock SEED into a staked state for the purpose of the Reward Drop and future functionality. Once staked that portion of SEED cannot be transferred to another user.
cleos push action parslseed123 stake '{"owner":"user1","quantity":"1000.0000 SEED"}'
- unstake
Allows a user to begin unstaking SEED so that it can become transferable again. This process takes 7 days. A deferred refund
action is sent after 7 days, or can be called manually if the deferred transaction fails.
cleos push action parslseed123 unstake '{"owner":"user1","quantity":"1000.0000 SEED"}'
- refund
Makes refunding SEED available to transfer after the 7 days unstaking time. Called automatically by deferred transaction, but can be used as a fallback.
cleos push action parslseed123 refund '{"owner":"user1"}'
- rewarddrop
Transfers SEED from parslseed123 to the recipient of a reward drop, and places the new tokens immediately into a staked state.
cleos push action parslseed123 transfer '{"from":"parslseed123", "to":"user1", "quantity":"1000.0000 SEED, "memo":"January RewardDrop"}'
- update
This action uses the same ABI as create and allows you to change the issuer and/or max supply of a token
Only the token contract itself can authorize this action, not the previous issuer
cleos push action parslseed123 update '{"issuer":"newissuer","maximum_supply":"100000.0000 SEED"}'
- claim
This action allows a token balance owner to claim their token without transferring it
This is only really neccessary if the token contract will recover unclaimed Tokens
cleos push action parslseed123 claim '{"owner":"user1","sym":"4,SEED"}'
- recover
This action allows the token contract to recover unclaimed tokens, thus freeing RAM
The unclaimed tokens are added to the current issuer balance
This command only does something if the balance is truly unclaimed, otherwise it does nothing
cleos push action parslseed123 recover '{"owner":"user1","sym":"4,SEED"}'
- stake
Displays the staked SEED balance for an account. Just like accounts this is scoped to the eos account.
asset quantity; //how much SEED is staked
uint64_t updated_on; //when the stake was last updated
- refund
Displays how much SEED is currently refunding. updated_on
is when the unstake request was made in linux epoch time in seconds. The refund is available 7 days after this timestamp.
asset quantity; //how much SEED is staked
uint64_t updated_on; //when the stake was last updated
Thanks to for providing a Mocha nodejs based unit testing framework. To use the unit tests simply run the following steps:
You'll need to have the EOSIO.CDT toolkit installed. You can find the setup instructions here:
To use the default hello world test template, you'll need a local Nodeos image. You can set one up with docker by running it with
source -d
Or you may use the locally installed instancesource -l
You'll need node v10 - installation instructions can be found here: At the root of this repo, run
npm i
to install dependencies
You can then run the tests by calling npm run test