Create images from templates and data
$ npm install --save @kibibit/kb-hologram
import { KbHologram, KbHologramResultType } from "@kibibit/kb-hologram";
const kbHologram = new KbHologram({
fontName: "../Comfortaa-Regular.ttf",
templateName: "changelog-template",
height: 534 * 2,
width: 1069 * 2,
data: {
columnOne: [
"Compact folders in Explorer",
"Edit both files in diff view",
"Search results update while typing",
"Problems panel filtering by type",
"Minimap highlights errors, changes",
"Terminal minimum contrast ratio",
columnTwo: [
"Mirror cursor in HTML tags",
"Optional chaining support in JS\\TS",
"Extract to interface TS refactoring",
"Sass module support for @use",
"Remote - Containers improvements",
"Visual Studio Online preview",
title: "achievibit",
subtitle: "v2.1.4 - CHANGELOG",
logo: {
url: "data:image/png;base64,<icon-data>",
alt: "kibibit",
type: "html",
const pngBuffer = await kbHologram.render(KbHologramResultType.PngBuffer);
Which will return a png buffer for the following image:
# unit tests
$ npm run test
# e2e tests
$ npm run test:e2e
# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov
- Author - Neil Kalman
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Copyright (c) 2020 Neil Kalman <[email protected]>
Module Icon made by Freepik from