Kinova® Kortex™ is the common software platform behind all of the products in the Gen3 family (Gen3 and Gen3 lite). It unifies the inner workings of the various robots and their related external tools, like the API.
ROS2 Kortex is the official ROS2 package to interact with Kortex and its related products. It is built upon the Kortex API, documentation for which can be found in the GitHub Kortex repository.
ROS 2 Distro | Humble | Iron | Rolling |
Branch | main | main | main |
Build Status |
Release Status | coming soon | coming soon | coming soon |
Note: There are several CI jobs checking against future upstream changes see detailed build status for a full list of CI jobs and for more information.
Install ROS 2.
If you're a developer, we recommend using Rolling to get the latest features and fixes.
Rolling Release: Install ROS2 Rolling
Latest LTS Release: Install ROS2 Jazzy
Previous Stable LTS Release: Install ROS2 HumbleAfter installing a version of ROS, source the setup.bash, which will set the
environment variable.
NOTE Please use the Humble_Gazebo_Classic_Support
branch for ROS2 Humble and the main
branch for ROS2 Jazzy
Install this package from binary
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-kortex-bringup
Optional: install MoveIt Configuration and Cyclone DDS
If you have a 7dof arm:
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-kinova-gen3-7dof-robotiq-2f-85-moveit-config
If you have a 6dof arm:
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-kinova-gen3-6dof-robotiq-2f-85-moveit-config
If you plan to use MoveIt, it is recommended to install and use Cyclone DDS.
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-rmw-cyclonedds-cpp export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp
Go to Usage section
Note: It is recommended to use a released binary version of this package and apt install it. If you want the latest version of this repository for testing latest fixes check out testing with pre-released binaries:
If the bug fix you need isn't in a released version or If you want to build this repository from source or contribute back to the repository read on.
Make sure that
, its extensions, andvcs
are installed:sudo apt install python3-colcon-common-extensions python3-vcstool
Create a new ROS2 workspace:
export COLCON_WS=~/workspace/ros2_kortex_ws mkdir -p $COLCON_WS/src
Pull relevant packages:
cd $COLCON_WS git clone src/ros2_kortex vcs import src --skip-existing --input src/ros2_kortex/ros2_kortex.$ROS_DISTRO.repos vcs import src --skip-existing --input src/ros2_kortex/ros2_kortex-not-released.$ROS_DISTRO.repos
If you plan on simulating the robot with Gazebo, make sure to pull the additional simulation packages. If you're on ROS 2 Humble, run
vcs import src --skip-existing --input src/ros2_kortex/simulation.jazzy.repos
vcs import --skip-existing --input src/ros2_kortex/simulation.repos
If you plan on using MoveIt, you must make sure that you have it already installed either from binaries or by building it from source.
Follow the instructions to install Gazebo Harmonic
Install dependencies, compile, and source the workspace:
rosdep install --ignore-src --from-paths src -y -r colcon build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
By default, colcon will use as much resources as possible to build the ROS2 workspace. This can temporarily freeze or even crash your machine. You can limit the number of threads used to avoid this issue, we found a good tradeoff between build time and resource utilisation by setting it to 3 :
colcon build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release --parallel-workers 3
Source the previously built workspace using the following command:
echo 'source ~/workspace/ros2_kortex_ws/install/setup.bash' >> ~/.bashrc
Please note, at this time there are two known issues you with simulation
- Gazebo + Mimic Joints for the Robotiq Gripper
- Protobuf version mismatch
A pull request has been made to gz_ros2_control which is how this repository was tested in simulation. The pull request won't be merged as the fix should be done upstream in gz-sim. Once a fix is available ros2_robotiq_gripper will be re-released and an update should fix any workarounds.
In the meantime if you need simulation checkout the upstream pull request link:
- Upstream Issue: gazebosim/gz-sim#1684
- Upstream Pull Request: ros-controls/gz_ros2_control#86
- Tracking Issue: PickNikRobotics/ros2_robotiq_gripper#7
Due to mismatched protobuf version that ships system and used by Gazebo simulator compiling twice may be required. You will only run into this if you have certain other gazebo related code in your workspace while compiling this repository. If errors are encounter you must clean your workspace and run colcon build in two steps:
- build everything except kortex related packages
- build the packages that where skipped
sudo apt install python3-colcon-clean # if you don't have colcon-clean installed already
colcon clean workspace -y
colcon build --packages-skip-regex '.*kortex.*' '.*gen3.*'
colcon build --packages-select-regex '.*kortex.*' '.*gen3.*'
To launch and view any of the robot's URDF run:
ros2 launch kortex_description
The accepted arguments are:
: Your robot model. Possible values are eithergen3
, the default isgen3
. -
: Gripper to use. Possible values for the Gen3 are eitherrobotiq_2f_85
. For the Gen3 Lite, the only option isgen3_lite_2f
. Default value is an empty string, which will display the arm without a gripper. -
: Degrees of freedom of the arm. Possible values for the Gen3 are either6
. For the Gen3 Lite, the only option is6
. Default value is7
launch file is designed to be used for Gen3 arms. The typical use case to bringup and visualize the 7 DoF Kinova Gen3 robot arm (default) with mock hardware on Rviz:
ros2 launch kortex_bringup \
robot_ip:=yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy \
Alternatively, for a physical robot:
ros2 launch kortex_bringup \
robot_ip:= \
You can specify the following arguments if you wish to change your arm configuration:
: Your robot model. Default value (and only one) isgen3
. -
: Gripper to use. Possible values for the Gen3 are eitherrobotiq_2f_85
. Default is""
. An empty string will not initialise any gripper. -
: Name of the controlled joint of the gripper attached to the arm. Default value isrobotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint
. -
: Use internal bus for gripper communication. Default value istrue
. -
: Max velocity for gripper commands. Default value is100.0
. -
: Max force for gripper commands. Default value is100.0
. -
: Degrees of freedom of the arm. Possible values are either6
.Default value is7
. -
: IP address by which the robot can be reached. No default is specified, this is a required argument. All arms are shipped with address192.168.1.10
, but if you have reassigned your physical arm's robot IP address, then you will need to assign that ip address. -
: Start robot with fake hardware mirroring command to its states. Default value isfalse
. -
: Enable fake command interfaces for sensors used for simple simulations. Used only if 'use_fake_hardware' parameter is true. Default value isfalse
. -
: Robot controller to start. Possible values aretwist_controller
.Default value isjoint_trajectory_controller
. -
: Ros 2 control configuration file to use. Default value isros2_controllers.yaml
: Start an Rviz window to visualize the robot. Default value istrue
The Robotiq 2f 85 (or 2f 140) Gripper will be available on the Action topic:
You can test the gripper by calling the Action server with the following command and setting the desired position
of the gripper (0.0=open
, 0.8=close
ros2 action send_goal /robotiq_gripper_controller/gripper_cmd control_msgs/action/GripperCommand "{command:{position: 0.0, max_effort: 100.0}}"
In order to access the Kinova Vision module's depth and color streams for the camera-equipped Gen3 arm models, please refer to the following github repository for detailed instructions: ros2_kortex_vision
launch file is designed to be used for Gen3 Lite arms. The typical use case to bringup the robot arm with mock hardware:
ros2 launch kortex_bringup \
robot_ip:=yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy \
Alternatively, if you wish to use the physical robot:
ros2 launch kortex_bringup \
robot_ip:= \
You can specify the following arguments if you wish to change your arm configuration:
: Your robot model. Default value (and only one) isgen3_lite
. -
: Gripper to use. Default value (and only one) isgen3_lite_2f
. -
: Name of the controlled joint of the gripper attached to the arm. Default value (and only one) isright_finger_bottom_joint
. -
: Use internal bus for gripper communication. Default value istrue
. -
: Max velocity for gripper commands. Default value is100.0
. -
: Max force for gripper commands. Default value is100.0
. -
: IP address by which the robot can be reached. No default is specified, this is a required argument. All arms are shipped with address192.168.1.10
, but if you have reassigned your physical arm's robot IP address, then you will need to assign that ip address. If you're using an USB to Ethernet interface to connect your robot to your machine instead of USB via RNDIS, the ip address will be192.168.2.10
. -
: Start robot with fake hardware mirroring command to its states. Default value isfalse
. -
: Enable fake command interfaces for sensors used for simple simulations. Used only if 'use_fake_hardware' parameter is true. Default value isfalse
. -
: Robot controller to start. Possible values aretwist_controller
.Default value isjoint_trajectory_controller
. -
: Ros 2 control configuration file to use. Default value isros2_controllers.yaml
: URDF/XACRO description file with the robot. Default value isgen3_lite_gen3_lite_2f.xacro
. -
: Start an Rviz window to visualize the robot. Default value istrue
launch file is designed to simulate all of our arm models, you just need to specify your configuration through the arguments. By default, the Gen3 7 dof configuration is used :
ros2 launch kortex_bringup \
use_sim_time:=true \
launch_rviz:=false \
: Use Gazebo for simulation. Default value isfalse
: Your robot model. Possible values are eithergen3
.Default isgen3
: Name you would like your robot to have. Default value isgen3
: Degrees of freedom of the arm. Possible values are either6
.Default value is7
: Use arm mounted realsens. Possible values are eithertrue
. Default value isfalse
. This option does not generate simulated images, it only loads up the robot's URDF that includes the vision link.robot_controller
: Robot joint controller to start. Default value isjoint_trajectory_controller
: Robot position controller to start. Default value istwist_controller
: Robot gripper controller to start. Default value isrobotiq_gripper_controller
: Ros 2 control configuration file to use. Default value isros2_controllers.yaml
: Description package with robot URDF/XACRO files. Default value iskortex_description
: URDF/XACRO description file with the robot. Default value iskinova.urdf.xacro
: Prefix of the joint names, useful for multi-robot setup. If changed, then also joint names in the controllers' configuration have to be updated. Default value is""
: Use simulated clock. Default value istrue
: Gripper to use. Possible values for the Gen3 are:robotiq_2f_85
. Default isrobotiq_2f_85
. An empty string will not initialise any gripper.
To generate motion plans and execute them with a simulated 7 DoF Kinova Gen3 arm with mock hardware:
ros2 launch kinova_gen3_7dof_robotiq_2f_85_moveit_config \
robot_ip:=yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy \
and to bring up the Kinova Gen3 6 DoF with MoveIt:
ros2 launch kinova_gen3_6dof_robotiq_2f_85_moveit_config \
robot_ip:=yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy \
To generate motion plans and execute them with a Gazebo simulated 7 DoF Kinova Gen3 arm (previously launched with the command at the simulation section):
ros2 launch kinova_gen3_7dof_robotiq_2f_85_moveit_config \
To work with a physical robot and generate/execute paths with MoveIt run the following:
For Gen3:
ros2 launch kinova_gen3_7dof_robotiq_2f_85_moveit_config \
For Gen3-Lite:
ros2 launch kinova_gen3_lite_moveit_config \
You can command the arm by publishing Joint Trajectory messages directly to the joint trajectory controller:
ros2 topic pub /joint_trajectory_controller/joint_trajectory trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory "{
joint_names: [joint_1, joint_2, joint_3, joint_4, joint_5, joint_6, joint_7],
points: [
{ positions: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], time_from_start: { sec: 10 } },
}" -1
Depending on your robot type and its DoF, you will need to adapt the joint_names
and positions
properties accordingly. For the Gen3 Lite arm, the integrated gripper is considered as a joint, so to command it, it must be included in the joint_names
array. (0.0=open
, 1.0=close
ros2 topic pub /joint_trajectory_controller/joint_trajectory trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory "{
joint_names: [joint_1, joint_2, joint_3, joint_4, joint_5, joint_6, right_finger_bottom_joint],
points: [
{ positions: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], time_from_start: { sec: 10 } },
}" -1
You can also command the arm using Twist messages. Before doing so, you must active the twist_controller
and deactivate the joint_trajectory_controller
ros2 service call /controller_manager/switch_controller controller_manager_msgs/srv/SwitchController "{
activate_controllers: [twist_controller],
deactivate_controllers: [joint_trajectory_controller],
strictness: 1,
activate_asap: true,
Note: the required interface for the twist_controller
does not currently exist in the gazebo or mock hardware simulation setups. So the twist_controller
is currently only functional on Kinova hardware.
Once the twist_controller
is activated, You can publish Twist messages on the /twist_controller/commands
topic to command the arm.
For example, you can jog the arm using Teleop Twist Keyboard with the following command:
WARNING: you are responsible for collision checking, including self collisions when in this mode.
ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard --ros-args --remap /cmd_vel:=/twist_controller/commands
If you wish to use the joint_trajectory_controller
again to command the arm using JointTrajectory messages, run the following:
ros2 service call /controller_manager/switch_controller controller_manager_msgs/srv/SwitchController "{
activate_controllers: [joint_trajectory_controller],
deactivate_controllers: [twist_controller],
strictness: 1,
activate_asap: true,
The following is a description of the packages included in this repository.
This package contains the URDF (Unified Robot Description Format), STL and configuration files for the Kortex-compatible robots. For more details, please consult the README from the package subdirectory.
This package implements a ROS node that allows communication between a node and a Kinova Gen3 or Gen3 lite robot. For more details, please consult the README from the package subdirectory.
This metapackage contains the auto-generated MoveIt! files to use the Kinova Gen3 and Gen3 lite arms with the MoveIt! motion planning framework. For more details, please consult the README from the package subdirectory.