This GitHub repo serves as documentation for WP All Import and WP All Export's actions. For support, questions, concerns, or anything else, please submit a support request:
- pmxi_before_xml_import - Executed just before the import begins.
- pmxi_after_xml_import - Executed when the entire import completes.
- wp_all_import_auto_create_csv_headers - Auto generate headers, or use header in file.
- wp_all_import_feed_type - Can be used to define the feed type.
- wp_all_import_is_check_duplicates - Turn duplicate checking on/off.
- wp_all_import_is_unlink_missing_posts - Used to completely remove the relationship between import and post from pmxi_posts database table.
- wp_all_import_skip_x_csv_rows - Specifies the amount of rows to be skipped.
- wpallimport_xml_row - Allows modification of each data record from the file before import.
- pmxi_saved_post - Invoked right after saving a post.
- wp_all_import_variable_product_imported - Called when WP All Import saves a variable product.
- wp_all_import_variation_taxonomies - Can be used to add taxonomies to WooCommerce product variations.
- pmxi_after_post_import - Invoked after saving a post (??)
- pmxi_article_data - Allows modifying the post body content before save.
- pmxi_delete_post - Triggered before posts are deleted.
- pmxi_product_variation_saved - Called when WP All Import saves a variable product with the "Link all variations" option selected.
- wp_all_import_make_product_simple - Called after a product is converted into a Simple product by our WooCommerce Add-On, due to a lack of variations.
- pmxi_single_category -
- wp_all_import_set_post_terms - Called when WP All Import is setting the post taxonomy terms.
- pmxi_custom_field - Custom field values can be modified before save using this hook.
- pmxi_update_post_meta - Called right after a custom field is saved. Use this if you need access to meta_id.
- pmxi_acf_custom_field - Filter for "Advanced Custom Field" values.
- wp_all_import_specified_records - Allows specifing a list/range of records to import.
- wp_all_import_is_post_to_create - Indicate whether the post is to be created.
- wp_all_import_is_post_to_update - Indicate whether the post is to be updated.
- wp_all_import_is_post_to_delete - Indicate whether the post is to be deleted.
- pmxi_attachment_uploaded - Invoked right after an attachment was uploaded.
- pmxi_gallery_image - Invoked right after an image was imported. Usefull if working with 3rd party plugins/themes that have a custom gallery format.
- wp_all_import_image_filename - Allows customizing the names of imported images.
- wp_all_import_images_uploads_dir - Allows customizing the path in which images & ACF field uploads are uploaded.
- wp_all_import_attachments_uploads_dir - Allows customizing the path in which attachments are uploaded.
- wp_all_import_handle_upload - Filters the data array for attachments & images uploaded through WP All Import.
- wpallimport_after_images_import - Called after images are imported, but only when "Keep images currently in Media Library" is enabled.
- pmxe_exported_post - Invoked right after exporting a post.
- wp_all_export_csv_rows - Filter CSV rows to export.
- wp_all_export_xml_rows - Filter XML rows to export.
- wp_all_export_after_csv_line - Filters CSV lines.
- pmxe_woo_field - Filters WooCommerce fields.
- wp_all_export_order_item - Filters WooCommerce Order Items.
- wp_all_export_implode_delimiter - Modify the implode delimiter for export fields.
- wp_all_export_additional_data - Create additional XML nodes for export
- wp_all_export_is_csv_headers_enabled - Can be used to completely remove the CSV header.
- wp_all_export_export_file_name - Specify the export file name.
- wp_all_export_csv_headers - Manipulate export file headers.
- wp_all_export_pre_csv_headers - Allows for CSV headers to be added above the default headers.
- wp_all_export_config_options - Set export options
- wp_all_export_product_variation_mode - Choose whether to export parent products or just variations.
- pmxe_before_export - Perform some action before the export starts.
- pmxe_after_export - Perform some action after the export is complete.
- wp_all_export_generate_bundle - Determine whether the bundle file should be generated.
- wp_all_export_zapier_response -