Python software for the algebraic (SymPy) and numerical (SciPy) treatment of ordinary differential equations (ODEs)
The used coding convention is PEP8.
attribute self._ode should be a dictionary. This would impact a lot of functions (e.g. new_parameter_set)
should self.parameters/self.variables be a set?
allow ODEs to be dependent on time explicitly
inflection set (see Ref. ?)
compute total time derivative of observable
check given ansatz for adjoint equation
- review whether the new DynamicalSystem is really necessary
- check for degenerate case of eigenvalues with multipl. > 1
- as default: if no specifications are given, impose mean field coupling in first variable with coupling parameter "epsilon"
compute Jacobian, Hessian and compiler only when needed
anaconda/pip package
CI/CD with GitHub actions