Trainable Tiny-YoloV2 implementation on Julia by Knet framework
The program loads pre-trained weights to layers except the last layer. It initalizes last layer (detection layer) randomly. It freezes other layers and trains last layer only by adam optimizer.
first download pre-trained weights by:
$ wget
If you want to train the model and see accuracy on Voc Dataset 2007, download the dataset by:
$ wget
tar xf VOCtrainval_06-Nov-2007.tar
The repo has trained model which is trained.jld2. If you want to see accuracy for this model run:
$ julia YoloTrain.jl accuracy
If you want to display the image by using trained.jld2. Run:
$ julia YoloTrain.jl loadDisplay
To train model, run:
$ julia YoloTrain.jl train --batch_size 32 --epochs 20
Batch_size = 32 and 20 epochs is suggested. When it is trained, it saves trained model as trained1.jld2. If you want to use this model for accuracy and display, simply use the argument:
$ --choose true
Here is an example of input and output:
-It will become a more generalized version to train different datasets.