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Chapel hill python scrip:

CHPL Patron Registration

This Flask application provides the middleware processing of Patron self-registration for Chapel-Hill Public Library's Wordpress website created by Aaron Schmidt of Influx Design.


Clone repository with git git clone

Create a instance directory in the chpl-patron directory and a that has the following variables set:

SIERRA_URL = "{url to III's Sierra self-registration form}"

EMAIL_SENDER = Sender's email address

EMAIL_RECIPIENTS = List of receipients for notification emails

SUCCESS_URI = Redirect URL to a Wordpress Page for a successful registration

ERROR_URI = Redirect URL to a Wordpress Page for a failed registration

DUPLICATE_EMAIL_CHECK = Set to 'True' to disallow duplicate email registrations

Install Python 3.5 dependencies using pip3 install -r requirements.txt.


Running in development by python3 chplpatron/registration/ using the built-in development Flask server with debug turned on and accessible on port 5000.


Use gunicorn to run as a Python WSGI HTTP server on Linux or Mac with this command sudo nohup gunicorn -w2 --certfile=instance/chapelhillpubliclibrary_org.crt --keyfile=instance/private_key.txt -b :8443 --log-file gunicorn.log --log-level INFO --timeout 90 chplpatron.registration.api:app & to run in the background with two threads on port 8443.