Your project should list a set of data, and each element in this list should be clickable, taking you to a details page where you display more information. You can choose freely to use any public API. Feel free to pick from this list: . Following the steps I showed with .env, you can also use API's that require using an API key.
Your project needs to meet the following criteria:
- Dont use the same API you used for the API assignment in Javascript
- Don't use the Gutendex API that I have been using in my last React lectures.
- Give your site some styling that fits the theme, using either CSS modules or inline CSS
- Use react-router-dom to set up routes. Use a dynamic route for the details page
- Use a navigation bar that stays fixed throughout the site, on every route. (HINT, use 'children' routes)
- Include error handling, and a loading message or loading animation using conditional rendering.
- A well thought out component hierarchy, separation of logic, with reusable components that utilize props.
If anything is unclear, shoot me a message! Good luck!