<img src="http://xxx.com/img.png" id="J_img">
pixelIt('J_img', function (image) {
// image is the enhanced image.
image.all(function(r, g, b, a) {
var gray = image.util.rgb2gray(r, g, b);
return [gray, gray, gray, a - 100];
It is can be used in browser with HTML5 Canvas supported. :)
// add the util function
pixelIt.addUtil('delta', function (v, rgba) {
return [rgba[0] + v, rgba[1] + v, rgba[2] + v, rgba[3]];
// initialize (el is the image element).
pixelIt(el, function (image) {
// here, the image is the enhanced image.
// methods(if fn is passed, it is the processor; otherwise it is the accessor):
// - image.pixel(x, y, fn)
// - image.patch(x, y, w, h, fn)
// - image.all(fn)
// - image.reset()
// - the callback fn accept the (r,g,b,a) of the image, eg: fn(r, g, b, a);
// you need return the result (r,g,b,a) after processing, eg: return [rr, rg, rb, ra].
// - all methods will return `this`, so you can chain it.
// props:
// - image.get('width')
// - image.get('height')
// - image.get('imageData') (not recommend to operate this)
// customs:
// - image.util
image.all(function (r, g, b, a) {
// you can access the util functions with image.
return image.util.delta(-30, [r, g, b, a]);
// reset it(back to the original state)
// process it again
image.all(function (r, g, b, a) {
return image.util.delta(30, [r, g, b, a]);