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Useful commands KNN

Saddam Hossain edited this page Mar 4, 2018 · 2 revisions

Useful commands to learn

Store komodo-cli into /usr/bin, so you can use it anywhere you are in the CLI

sudo cp ~/komodo/src/komodo-cli /usr/bin

Stop Komodo, Bitcoin and Iguana at once

komodo-cli stop && bitcoin-cli stop && pkill -15 iguana

Update Komodo (be sure to stop Komodo first, see above)

cd ~/komodo && git pull && cd src && make

Search for a specific pubkey in files (like: notaries.c, ratify(A,B,C)_7776 etc. etc.)

cd ~/SuperNET/iguana
cat notaries.c | grep 0209d48554768dd8dada988b98aca23405057ac4b5b46838a9378b95c3e79b9b9e (or any pubkey of course)

cd ~/SuperNET/iguana/tests
cat ratifyA_7776 | grep 0209d48554768dd8dada988b98aca23405057ac4b5b46838a9378b95c3e79b9b9e (or any pubkey of course)

If you want to copy your full bitcoin blocks to a new node instead of downloading it again you can scp the files to the new node. THIS WILL TAKE A WHILE!

cd ~/.bitcoin
scp -r blocks/ chainstate/ user@ipofnewnode:~/.bitcoin
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