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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

Howto start:

I created empty repository on GitHub.
I run git-bash and typed git init, so inside project root appeared .git folder.
I added some files to version control using git add sourcesFolderName
I committed files added in previous step using git commit -m "initial commit"
I specified remote repository using git remote add MyProject <url>
Finally git push, but nothing is pushed to remote repo... (no authorization failure)

git init git add . git commit -m “Initial commit” git remote add origin <project url> git push -f origin master

  1. git init

  2. git add -A

  3. git commit -m “Git Initialize” # Dowolny komentarz w “”

  4. git push #wysyla do Gita

  5. git checkout -b nazwaBrancha #tworzy branch o nazwie

7,5.git checkout master lub naswabrancha pozwala sie przelaczac medzy nimi.

  1. git push -u origin nazwaBrancha #pushuje na branch

  2. #wchodzac na mastera (jesli mergujemy do mastera)

git merge nazwaBrancha.

Wysyłąnie na bitbucket

  1. Na twoim koncie w bitbucket klikasz repositories -> createrepositiory i wpisujesz nazwe

  2. Po stworzeniu bedziesz mial na stronie opis jak zrobic push. W skrócie:

cd /path/to/my/repo git remote add origin [email protected]/ksotniczuk/NAZWA.git git push -u origin –all # pushes up the repo and its refs for the first time git push -u origin –tags # pushes up any tags Jeśli masz tagi.

Wysyłąnie na Heroku

  1. heroku create

  2. git push heroku master

git push heroku yourbranch:master - Branches pushed to Heroku other than master will be ignored by this command. If you’re working out of another branch locally, you can either merge to master before pushing, or specify that you want to push your local branch to a remote master.

git status sprawdza czy byly jakies zmiany, jak byly i chcesz je puscic, to robisz commit. USUWANIE BRANCHA: To delete a local branch - git branch -d the_local_branch

To remove a remote branch (if you know what you are doing!) - git push origin :the_remote_branch


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