DeeplinkRouter is a lightweight, flexible, and easy-to-use framework for managing deep links and navigation within iOS applications. It allows you to register and handle different types of deep links, providing a clear way to navigate to specific parts of your app.
- Simple deep link registration and routing.
- Works seamlessly with
, and other standard view controllers. - Asynchronous handling of deep links.
- Customizable and extendable for any app architecture.
You can view the full API documentation here.
Add the following to your Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")
Or use the Xcode integration to add DeeplinkRouter as a Swift Package Dependency.
Start by defining your deeplink types. Each deeplink must conform to the AnyDeeplink
struct ProfileDeeplink: AnyDeeplink {
let userId: String
static func canHandle(deeplink: URL) -> ProfileDeeplink? {
guard let userId = URLComponents(url: deeplink, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: false)?
.first(where: { $ == "userId" })?.value else { return nil }
return ProfileDeeplink(userId: userId)
func handle(deeplink: URL, navigator: NavigatorProtocol) {
let profileVC = ProfileViewController(userId: userId)
navigator.topNavController?.pushViewController(profileVC, animated: true)
To set up the router, you need to register your deeplink types and activate the router:
let navigator = BaseNavigator()
let router = DeeplinkRouter(
isActive: true,
navigator: navigator,
deeplinkTypes: [ProfileDeeplink.self]
Once registered, handle incoming deeplinks by calling:
if let url = URL(string: "myapp://profile?userId=123") {
Task {
await router.handle(deeplink: url)
If a deep link comes when the app is inactive, you can handle it later: