Homework for Blockchain class, creating an Nft ERC721 token using Solidity.
Non-fungible tokens can represent ownership over digital or physical assets. These tokens are distinguishable, and you must track the ownership of each one separately.
Design and implement an ERC721 compliant digital image token. (You can find the associated Ethereum Improvement Proposal here: https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-721 If your platform is not Solidity, adapt the ERC721 specification accordingly.)
Each digital image token shall have a unique identifier and an URL (the location of the image). Users can create new tokens and then buy and sell them among themselves (in Solidity, for Ether. Otherwise, create some sort of “unit of value” on the ledger that we assume the participants accept). Each token should have one owner at any time. The number of tokens a user may own is not limited.
Homework owner: Bendegúz Gyönki
- Install Visual Studio Code
- Install Solidity plugin for Visual Studio Code (used for proper syntax highlighting)
- Install Ganche for a local blockchain
- Clone this project to a desired folder
npm install
npm run compile
Test files can be located under /test
To run the tests run the following command
npm test