_______ _ _____ _
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Checks if your Tesla profile has changed from a reservation number to something else
-- Python 3.6 or later required
pip install -r requirements.txt
Edit config.ini and put in all the required settings
BORING_EMAIL_FREQUENCY is how often to send an email even if nothing has changed - lets you know the script is still working
CRONJOB_FREQUENCY tells the script how often it's scheduled to run, to prevent sending emails too often
There will be a log file called 'teslascrub.log' in the same directory as the script.
Setting DEBUG to 'yes' may end up logging some private information in the log file. SANITIZE BEFORE SHARING!
Schedule a cron job or task to run the script - for example every 10 minutes:
*/10 * * * * python teslascrub.py