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An iOS app to check real time statistics of COVID19 cases in 47 countries.


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An iOS app to check real time statistics of COVID19 cases in 47 countries.


Covid is single view app, that lets you browse the current statistics of COVID19 cases in 47 countries. The app shows the number of deaths, confimed, recovered and active cases for every country. You can sort the records by any of the listed fields. Each row displays a chart that shows the rate of the different data fields with the corresponding colors.


Covid uses a publicly available API to fetch data. You can find the API on In order to use it, you will have to create an account, and aquire an api-key. Once you have your key, just copy-paste it to the Constants in CovidRemoteDataSource.

private enum Constants {
    static let headers = [
        "x-rapidapi-host": "",
        "x-rapidapi-key": PASTE.YOUR.OWN.API.KEY.HERE


The following code snippets showcase Swifty solutions and explain some key principles of the implementation.

Sorting with key paths

A great example of the power of keypaths in Swift is when you want to dynamically change which attribute to use in a sort(by:) function. The following extension implements a great utility function for sorting an array of objects by a certain property:

extension Array {
    mutating func sort<T: Comparable>(by keyPath: KeyPath<Element, T>, using compare: (T, T) -> Bool) {
        sort { a, b in
            let first = a[keyPath: keyPath]
            let second = b[keyPath: keyPath]
            return compare(first, second)

Since operators are basically just special named functions, you can pass > to the compare: (T,T) -> Bool parameter as the comparison operator is just a function that returns a boolean from two comperable objects. Using this function in our view controller makes the code more readable and eliminates the need of an unnecessary type (such as a SortOption enum) to determine the sorting logic:

typealias SortOption = KeyPath<CountryStatViewModel, Int>

private func sort(by option: SortOption) {
    let world = viewModels.compactMap { $0 as? WorldStatViewModel }
    var countries = viewModels.compactMap { $0 as? CountryStatViewModel }
    countries.sort(by: option, using: >)
    if option == \.active { countries.prioritizeCurrentLocale() }
    viewModels = world + countries

Our viewModels array is just an array of CovidStatViewModel objects. We must filter the array to obtain the list of ViewModels that represent our country statistics data. We can then sort the countries based on the passed SortOption parameter, which is a KeyPath defining the property to sort by. Lastly, we make sure, that if the default sorting option was selected, the country of the user is placed on the top of the list. After this, we can update our ViewModels and reload the table view.

Searching with fuse

Fuzzy searching can highly improve user experience, there is nothing more frustrating when you have to type an exact substring match to find what you are searching for. Fuse is a great Swift library that implements a fast approximate string matching algorithm which provides match ranges too.

private func search(text: String) {
    let countryStats = viewModels.compactMap { $0 as? CountryStatViewModel }
    let search =, in: { $ })
    searchResults = { countryStats[$0.index] }

Constrained type extensions

When you implement type specific functionality in an extension, you can use generic where clauses to specify the type requirements of the extension. To make your extensions more reusable, you can also specify a protocol conformance requirement. Always choose the most abstract protocol possible to extend the usage of your code as widely as you can.

extension Array where Element == CovidRecord {
    var sumRecovered: Int {
        return map { $0.recovered }
            .reduce(0, +)

extension Array where Element: AdditiveArithmetic {
    func sum(first n: Int) -> Element {
        return prefix(n).reduce(.zero, +)

Lazy initialization

The lazy modifier defers the initialization of variables until the first call. This lets you create properties with a function, which can be reused to create similar components.

private lazy var activeView = createStatField(
    icon: Constants.activeIcon,
    tintColor: .covidOrange

Tuples as lightweight types

As the ducumentation says: always start with a struct. Before really starting with a struct, consider using a tuple first. When all you need is a container of named properties, tuples can come in really handy if your model is just for grouping components.

typealias StatField = (iconView: UIImageView, nameLabel: UILabel,  valueLabel: UILabel)

private func createStatField(icon: UIImage?, tintColor: UIColor) -> StatField {

Layout with closures

All autolayout code is implemented using ClosureLayout which is a lightweight auto layout DSL that enables you to define constraints in a convenient and easy way.

navigationView.layout {
    $ == view.topAnchor
    $0.leading == view.leadingAnchor
    $0.trailing == view.trailingAnchor

Simplifying table views

When working with table views, managing cell identifiers can be exhausting. Using these extensions makes it unnecesary.

extension UITableView {
    func dequeuCellOfType<Cell: UITableViewCell>(_ type: Cell.Type) -> Cell {
        guard let cell = dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: Cell.identifier) as? Cell else {
            fatalError("Could not dequeue cell with identifier: \(reuseIdentifier)")
        return cell
    func register<Cell: UITableViewCell>(_ type: Cell.Type) {
        register(type, forCellReuseIdentifier: Cell.identifier)

extension UITableViewCell {
    static var identifier: String {
        return String(describing: self)

With the help of these generic functions, you can register your cells like this:


and dequeue as the corresponding cell type like this:

let cell = tableView.dequeuCellOfType(WorldStatCell.self)

MVVM in practice

MVVM is an essential design pattern to learn and comes especially useful when you implement table views with multiple row types. Despite Covid having only two types of cells, and the WorldStatCell has only one instance on the top of the table view, it is always a good idea to think about extensibility early on. The main idea is to dequeue and configure cells based on the corresponding ViewModels. First, you need an abstract type so you can store your ViewModels in an array:

protocol CovidStatViewModel {}

You then create your viewmodels and make them conform to this protocol.

struct WorldStatViewModel: CovidStatViewModel {
    var title: String
    var subtitle: String

struct CountryStatViewModel: CovidStatViewModel {
    var country: String
    var flag: UIImage?

The purpose of these ViewModels is to capture the data in a format that is the closest to what will be rendered on the UI. For this, you need to transform your domain models to the desired format. This is usually implemented in the initializer of the ViewModel. This is the perfect place to use date formatters. The WorldStatViewModel for example is created from a CovidStats instance, that stores an array of COVID19 records.

extension WorldStatViewModel {
    init(from stats: CovidStats) {

On the view side, you have to create a configuration function that fills the table view cell with the formatted data of the ViewModels:

class WorldStatCell: UITableViewCell {
    func configure(with vm: WorldStatViewModel) {
        titleLabel.text = vm.title
        subtitleLabel.text = vm.subtitle

With all this set up, your cell configuration becomes an ease. In your table view managing view controller, you store your ViewModels in an array.

var viewModels = [CovidStatViewModel]()

which enables your setup to be completely data driven:

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
    switch viewModels[indexPath.row] {
    case let vm as WorldStatViewModel:
        let cell = tableView.dequeuCellOfType(WorldStatCell.self)
        cell.configure(with: vm)
        return cell
    case let vm as CountryStatViewModel:
        let cell = tableView.dequeuCellOfType(CountryStatCell.self)
        cell.configure(with: vm)
        return cell


Icons made by Freepik from


Covid is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


An iOS app to check real time statistics of COVID19 cases in 47 countries.







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