- 📝 I (don't) regularly write articles on https://bulldogjob.pl/readme/authors/krzysztof-zawisla
- 📫 How to reach me [email protected]/via LinkedIn
My Leetcode: https://leetcode.com/KrzysztofZawisla/
- Programming languages: TypeScript, JavaScript, Rust, Go, Python, Mojo, AssemblyScript, PHP, Zig, Q#
- Databases:
• Relational databases: PostgreSQL (with zombodb & pg_tgrm), MySQL, SQLite, MariaDB
• Non-Relational databases: Redis, FaunaDB, MongoDB, NeDB, Gun, Chroma - Query languages: SQL, GraphQL
- Runtimes and implementations: Bun, NodeJS, Deno, PyPy, TinyGo
- Descriptive languages: HTML5, SCSS, Less, CSS3, Markdown, MDX
- Version control systems, containerization, and related things: Docker, Podman, Git, GitHub, GitLab, GitHub Actions, GraalVM, NGINX
- Cloud computing:
• AWS: S3, Lambda, SAM, IAM, Aurora, DocumentDB, ElastiCache, LoadBalancer, API Gateway, ECR, ECS, Cloudfront, Route 53, SQS, EFS, SES, WAF & Shield, Cloudwatch - Message brokers: NATS
- JavaScript/TypeScript frameworks/libraries etc.:
• SPA/MPA frameworks/libraries: React, Preact, SolidJS, Astro, NextJS, JSX
• Testing tools/frameworks/libraries: Jest, Puppeteer, Spectron, tsd
• Multi-Platform development frameworks/libraries: Electron, React Native, Capacitor & Ionic
• CSS-in-JS: Styled-components, Emotion
• Stuff related to HTTP servers, web sockets, and backend stuff in general: Express, Socket.io, tRPC, serverless-express, middy
• ORMS, and ODMS: Schemix, Prisma, Mongoose
• Functional programming frameworks/libraries: Lodash
• Reactive programming frameworks/libraries: RxJS
• Bundlers, compilers, and common stuff: Webpack, Rollup, Vite, Babel, SWC, ESBuild, TTypeScript
• State management frameworks/libraries: Formik, Zustand, Hookstate, Redux
• Code quality tools, formatters, documentation, git hooks, and so on.: ESLint, Husky, Prettier, JSDoc, TSDoc, Storybook
• Web3: Solana Web3, IPFS
• DevOps stuff: Pulumi
• Schemas, validators, and runtime type checkers: yup
• Working with dates: DateFNS
• FFI: FFI-napi, pythonia
• AI: langchain, openai
• Message brokers: NATS.js
• 3D stuff: ThreeJS
• Big numbers: bn.js
• Charts: ChartJS
• WebAssembly, PyScript
• Internalization: i18next
• Animations: Framer-Motion, AnimeJS - Python frameworks/libraries etc.: Selenium, Numba, BLIP, LAVIS, LocalStack, langchain, Folium
- Golang frameworks/libraries etc.: Gin-gonic, WebAssembly
- Rust frameworks/libraries etc.: PyO3, Neon-bindings, Rocket.rs, Yew, Diesel, Tokio, wasm-pack, WebAssembly
and many others.