Gremlin is a framework for systematically testing the failure recovery logic in microservices in a manner that is independent of the programming language and the business logic in the microservices. Gremlin takes advantage of the fact that microservices are loosely coupled and interact with each other solely over the network, using well defined API over standard protocols such as HTTP. Rather than actually crashing a service to create a failure, Gremlin intercepts the network interactions (for e.g., REST API calls) between microservices and manipulates it to fake a failure to the caller. By observing from the network, how other microservices are reacting to this failure, it is now possible to express assertions on the behavior of the end-to-end application during the failure.
A recipe is a Python code that describes a dependency graph between microservices, a failure scenario that impacts one or more services and assertions on the behavior of other microservices in the system during the failure. Recipes are mostly independent of the application's business logic. It can be reused across different applications, as long as the dependency graph between microservices is the same.
![Gremlin Architecture][gremlin-arch] [gremlin-arch]: "Architecture of Gremlin Resilience Testing Framework"
Gremlin relies on the service proxy (a dependency injection pattern) to inject failures into the API calls between microservices. Gremlin expects the service proxy to expose a set of well-defined low-level fault injection primitives, namely abort, delay, and mangle. The Gremlin SDK is a set of abstractions built on top of the fault injection primitives to enable the user to design and execute a variety of failure scenario creation. In addition, it provides a set of simple abstractions on top of a log store (Elasticsearch), from which behavioral assertions can be designed (e.g., was latency of service A <= 100ms?). The logs from the service proxy are expected to be forwarded to Elasticsearch.
Gremlin is designed to be agnostic of the service proxy implementation, as long as it supports the fundamental fault injection primitives (abort, delay and mangle). See the proxy interface document for details on the fault injection primitives. The reference service proxy implementation gremlinproxy is a standalone proxy meant to be used as a sidecar process alongside the microservice, running in the same container or a VM.
For a step-by-step tutorial on Gremlin, checkout the getting started page.
Consider the example application shown in the picture above. Lets say we want to overload service C and validate whether the application as a whole recovers in an expected manner.
First, lets check if microservice A responds to the user within 50ms.
from pygremlin import *
import sys, requests, json
#Load the dependency graph
dependency_graph_json = sys.argv[1]
with open(dependency_graph_json) as fp:
app = json.load(fp)
topology = ApplicationGraph(app)
##Setup failure
fg = FailureGenerator(topology)
###push failure rules to service proxies
fg.overload_service(source='B', dest='C', headerpattern="overload-req-*")
###start a new test
testID = fg.start_new_test()
##Inject some load
for i in range(1000):
headers={"X-Gremlin-ID": "overload-req-%d" % i}
##Run assertions
eventlog = AssertionChecker(elasticsearch_host, testID)
result = eventlog.check_bounded_response_time(source='gateway', dest='A', max_latency='50ms')
assert result.success
Now, lets say A passes the test. In other words, A times out API calls to B in 50ms. This is great. We could almost say that this synthetic application can handle overload of microservice C.
Out of curiosity, lets check how B reacts to C's overload. Ideally, B should have timed out on C, much faster than A times out on B. So, here goes a recipe to check if B times out by say 40ms. Since we have already conducted the test, we just need to add more assertions to the same recipe (lets assume that we know the test ID)
##omitting boilerplate code
##Run assertions
eventlog = AssertionChecker(elasticsearch_host, testID)
resultB = eventlog.check_bounded_response_time(source='B', dest='C', max_latency='40ms')
assert result.success
What if B had a timeout of 100ms when calling C? This assertion would fail. This is not an unrealistic scenario. In fact, this is quite common in microservice-based applications, because each service is being developed by different developers/teams. A and B have conflicting failure recovery policies.
======= For a step-by-step tutorial on Gremlin, checkout the getting started page.