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Stores the elements of the same datatype in contiguous memory locations.while declaring an array we need to give it some fixed size.
Functions in arrays


It's a dynamic size array i.e user need not to pre-define its size as we keep pushing the elements into it its size & capacity changes by itself.
Functions in vector


Stores unique elements in sorted manner. Note : set is internally implemented using RB tree therefore (any address) can’t be subjected to arithmetic operators like ‘address + 1’ or ‘address -1’ instead of it ‘address++’ or ‘address - -’ operators should be used.
Functions in set

4. Multiset

Stores values in sorted order but not uniquely.
Functions in multiset

5. Unordered_Set

A set that stores value in a random order. As it's a type of set that's why it stores only unique values.
Functions in Unordered_set