Fetch is a lightweight CLI for fast downloading .It breaks a file in chunks and utilizes multiple goroutines to download these chunks in parallel to disks and later merge them.
I benchmarked fetch with two popular cli for downloading cURL and wget on an average it performed better with significantly less time taken by fetch.
Avg Time taken to download debian.iso (377 Mb):
- fetch (dividing in 20 chunks)-34.23124401569366 seconds
- cURL- 61.38265061378479 seconds
- wget- 69.53341414928437 seconds
Fetch took 44.23% less time than curl and 50.77% less time than wget
For linux/unix systems
Download the latest binary from releases
Download the installation script from here and run this script:
wget http://projects.kindurkhya.me/fetch-install.sh && ./fetch-install.sh && rm fetch-install.sh
For Windows Systems
- Download the latest executable from releases -add it to path
For Building from source Clone this repo Build using:
go build
add the compiled binary to path
fetch [flags]
fetch [command]
Available Commands:
clean Delete Downloaded files
completion generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
download Download from url
help Help about any command
history Fetch your download history
-h, --help help for fetch
fetch download <URL> <filename> [flags]
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.fetch.yaml)
-h, --help help for fetch
--path string Specify Download Location of the file
--seq Download the file sequentially instead of parallel downloading
--threads int Specify Number of threads to be used (default 20)
--verbose Specify Verbosity of the output
Example Usage:
fetch download https://saimei.ftp.acc.umu.se/debian-cd/current/amd64/iso-cd/debian-11.0.0-amd64-netinst.iso debian.iso --threads=20 --verbose
Get details of the files downloaded using fetch
fetch history [flags]
fetch history [command]
Available Commands:
clean Clear your downloading history
-h, --help help for history
--list int Specify Number of Rows in result (default 10)
Example usage:
fetch history --list=5
Shows 5 recent downloads
Clean Up all the files downloaded using fetch cli
Example usage:
fetch clean