Seamless customer on-boarding through facial authentication
To try out the end-user facing verification flow, simply navigate to
- After registrationyou can quickly generate one time instant verification link
Kvalifika web SDK, is a simple and customisable library which helps to integrate with Kvalifika solution. Use this to simply include Kvalifika flow.
We Also provide a web iFrame solution for best integration into your web app.
Visit our complete feature list to better know what we have for your business Feature list
First navigate on example folder and launch commands below
- Install dependencies
yarn install
- Start project
yarn start
- First you need to signup and get keys your APP_ID and SECRET_KEY from APP_ID and SECRET_KEY you can find Setting -> Security -> Credentials
- Write your CORS domain into Security -> CORS. ( Domain where you want to host your production or staging versions)
- Change index.html file change replace APP_ID and DOMAIN with your variables
- For backend communication you need to change SECRET_KEY in index.js file
- To test run
yarn start
command and visit http://localhost:8080
Take note for hosted version you need to SSL ( https://)
Kvalifika web iFrame loading simple exampleexample/public/advanced.html
Kvalifika web iFrame loading advanced example with several optionsexample/public/js/index.js
Handling session during onboarding process.example/index.js
Backend implementation node.js sample to check session & close session for further calling
Web iFrame supports now two languages you English, Georgian, Spanish and Russian You can manage it with lang parameter: en, geo, ru, sp<SESSION_ID>&lang=en
// Performs a session check from your backend with your production SECRET_KEY
// See index.js file
const checkSession = async (sessionId) => {
const data = await fetch(`/check-session/${sessionId}`)
const body = await data.json()
return JSON.parse(body)
// livenessStatus: 0/1/2. 0 = passed, 1 = undetermined, 2 = undetermined.
// 3D FaceMap came from a session where there was a live human being if and only if the livenessStatus is 0.
// ..............................................
// faceMatched is boolean if true face matched document
// documentValid is boolean if true document is valid
const nextAction = ({ details: { faceMatched, livenessStatus, documentValid } }) => {
// Handle your results & remove frame, or you can do anything here
if (!livenessStatus && documentValid) {
const frame = document.getElementById('kvalifikaiFrame')
const p = document.createElement("p")
p.innerHTML = "success"
// Event listener, listens each step in web flow.
// If full process has been finished, you can check here
// each step if finished liveness or document scanning
window.addEventListener('message', async event => {
// Checks if full process liveness and document scanning has been finished
if ( {
const body = await checkSession(
// Checks if liveness step has been finished
if ( {
// Do something if liveness step has been finished
// Checks is document scanning step has been finsihed
if ( {
// returns enum type 'ID' or 'PASSPORT'
// Case when link is no longer valid
if ( {
// generate session
// Checkes is session session has been closed
if ( {
// checks if retry step has been closed
if ( {
// Case when customer attempts has been expired.
if ( {
// generate session
// Case when customer has already passed liveness, and tries again. we wont allow session retry, if liveness is already passed
if ( {
// generate session
// Case when customer failed on liveness step and liveness attempts run out
if ( {
// generate session
Got any questions? Don't hesitate to reach out @