Write a bit about expectations of platforms #315
9 warnings
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behaviours: ["behaviors", "behavior"]: Some behaviours are expected by platforms beyond what is explicitly required by implementing certain interfaces. These are:.
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Behaviours: ["Behaviors", "Behavior"]: Conventional Behaviours.
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coloured: ["Coloured", "colored", "co loured", "co-loured", "colure"]: serializer instead for coloured output..
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behaviour: ["behavior"]: This should involve performing any translations if necessary. The default behaviour of the logger is to serialize to plain text, but platforms may want to look at the .
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submodule: ["sub module", "sub-module", "submolecular"]: as a separate submodule, but platforms may wish to use a native NBT library for this instead. Both of these options should be set on builders in the appropriate .
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behaviours: ["behaviors", "behavior"]: SPI's that allow customizing the default behaviours of serializers. These are most applicable for the Gson/other JSON serializers where the data structures have changed over time, but the legacy serializer's options can be worth referencing too. See the Javadoc for each serializer for more information..
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behaviours: ["behaviors", "behavior"]: mechanism. Some other behaviours are expected by convention. As there are not that many platforms that integrate with Adventure, this page is an attempt to cover the common points. Please don't be afraid to ask us questions, and together we can work on fleshing out this page..
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equalivent: ["equivalent", "qualitative"]: as an alias to disable the shadow (equalivent to .
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neo: ["Neo", "ne", "no", "neon", "eon"]: Any text editor will work for editing the documentation, but we've had the best experience with Visual Studio Code or (neo)vim, each of which have mature reST plugins..