◾ O R G |- Frames, guidelines 📖 Intro |-- Reinforced inheritance |-- Calls on null |-- C# hints |- Patterns |-- Circuitry |-- Builders |-- M V V M |--- Notificaton orchestration |--- Model-ViewModel cohesion |- Templates |-- Tasks as models ◾ C L A Y |- Exception wrappers tests🧪 |- Extensions/shortcuts |- 🚧Models |- Motley heap tests🧪 |- WPF |-- Bool-Vis. converterimproved ◾ TESTING 📖 Intro |--- Feed expansion cut |--- Gradual assert |--- Finer tolerance ◾ P A R T S 📦 |- I S i e extensions |- Chrono ABC |- Funcware |-- Conversion tests🧪 |- 🐝Multifacet value (Π-Val) |- 🚧Undo/Redo (Reversible) |
graph TB
sq[Funcware] --> MFC{<b>Multi<br />Facet<br />Value</b>}
e --> od3>Undo-Redo<br>Reversible]
f(Models) --> e((Clay / Patterns))
classDef subst fill:#9f6,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:2px;
classDef parts fill:#f96,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px;
class sq,e subst
class MFC,Rvrs parts
INSTALLATION: Clone, copy, or download src
, and open the solution in Microsoft Visual Studio