To test with mocking the related repairs data, you will firstly need to run a docker container docker-compose up
and then run a rails console
within a docker-compose run rails_app bash
in a seperate terminal.
This is the method you must run in the console to mock data relating job repairs with one another:
def cite(references)
pairs = 1)
pairs.each do |(r1, r2)|
next unless r1 && r2
from = Graph::WorkOrder.find_by(reference: r1) || Graph::WorkOrder.create!(reference: r1, created: Time.current, property_reference: '0', source: 'console')
to = Graph::WorkOrder.find_by(reference: r2) || Graph::WorkOrder.create!(reference: r2, created: Time.current, property_reference: '0', source: 'console')
Graph::Citation.create!(from_node: from, to_node: to, extra: from.related.include?(to), source: 'console')
cite(['00118196', '00118197', '00118198',
'00118199', '00118200', '00118201',
'00118202', '00118203', '00118204',
Using job reference number "00118196" you should now be able to test related repairs locally compared to what should be the same as on
There is integration with AppSignal with the different environments. You will need the API key for this set inside your .env
file e.g. APPSIGNAL_PUSH_API_KEY=xxxxxxx
to test locally on your development environment