Code for pulling C20C+ data from tape at NERSC.
Example usage:
c20c_data_grabber All-Hist run001 LBNL CAM5-1-1degree --variable_list hus,ua,va
The above command would extract data from the relevant tar files on HPSS and place the files in a local directory structure that mirrors that of the C20C archive.
This can also be imported and used in other python code:
import c20c_data_grabber
experiments = ["All-Hist", "Nat-Hist"]
for experiment in experiments:
for run in range(1,51):
experiment = experiment,
run = f"run{run:03}",
variable_list = ["hus","ua","va"],
institution = "LBNL",
model = "CAM5-1-1degree"
The above code would download ensemble members 1-51 for the All-Hist and Nat-Hist experiments.