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this is the pipeline that ingest and reduce new data from the lcogt key project


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This is the pipeline that ingests and reduces new data from the lcogt key project.

Please follow these guidelines for asking for help with installing and running the pipeline

Table of Contents

Pipeline Documentation:

Docker-compose Installation (recommended):

This is likely the quickest way to get the pipeline up and running and requires the least amount of installation. In the following instructions, the database server and data directories will live locally on your computer, so they will persist outside the Docker. The pipeline itself will run inside the Docker container and forward graphics to your local computer.


These instructions only need to be run once, when you set up the pipeline.

  1. Install Docker.

    • Make sure to increase the amount of memory Docker can access (recommended 8 GB). This is needed for certain stages (like -s cosmic) to run. On Mac, press the Docker icon in the toolbar, then click Preferences, then Resources, and increase Memory to 8 GB.
  2. Install docker-compose

  3. (macOS only) Install XQuartz.

  4. (macOS only) Install socat. If you have Homebrew installed, you can just run brew install socat.

  5. Allow X11 connections (may be only necessary on Linux): xhost +local:docker

  6. (Linux Only) Modify your X11 config files to allow TCP connections:

    1. If you are running gdm or gdm3 for your display manager add the following to /etc/gdm<3>/custom.conf
    1. If you are running lightdm, add the following to /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-xserver-command.conf
    xserver-command=X -core -listen tcp

    and the following to /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf. This file probably won't exist, you may create it if it is missing.

    xserver-command=X -listen tcp
    1. Reboot your machine after updating the necessary config file.
    2. To test your X11 setup run
    docker run --rm -it centos:7 /bin/bash
    yum install -y xorg-x11-apps

    If a window appears, your computer is configured correctly. You only have to do this once.

    If stage 4 results in an error similar to Error: Can't open display:, then rerun step 4 with this modified command instead.

    docker run --rm -it -e DISPLAY=${DISPLAY} -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix centos:7 /bin/bash
    yum install -y xorg-x11-apps

    Now an window should appear.

  7. Clone this repository:

    git clone
  8. Build the Docker image: docker build -t lcogtsnpipe lcogtsnpipe

  9. Set your environment variables to point to where you want to store data and catalogs. You may want to add these lines to your .bashrc (usually Linux) or .bash_profile (usually macOS) file so that you don't have to set them in every new terminal session.

    export LCOSNDIR=/your/data/directory
    export LCOSNDBPATH=/your/data/directory/mysql

    These directories do not need to exist. In fact, it is easier if they do not. Docker will automatically create them with the correct permissions. If you need to use a pre-existing directory or in case docker doesn't set up the permissions correctly, you may have to update the permissions using chmod -R 777 /path/to/data/. If you do not set these environment variables, they default to being in data and mysql in repo directory.

  10. (MacOS only) Run XQuartz from the Finder.

  11. (MacOS only) Run this hack in the background to get the X11 forwarding to work:

    socat TCP-LISTEN:6000,reuseaddr,fork UNIX-CLIENT:\"$DISPLAY\" &
  12. Startup your "pipeline server" (this is really a couple of docker containers instead of a true virtual machine, but this mental picture is close enough).

    docker-compose -f lcogtsnpipe/docker-compose.yml up

    (Linux Only) If you initially had trouble in getting display output from docker in your linux machine (step 6), you will need to slightly modify your docker-compose.yml file in the following manner.

              LCOSNDBUSER: "${LCOSNDBUSER:-supernova}"
              LCOSNDBPASS: "${LCOSNDBPASS:-supernova}"
              LCOSNDIR: "${LCOSNDIR:-/supernova}"
              DISPLAY: "${DISPLAY}"
              - "4306:3306"
              - sn-db:supernovadb
              - sn-db
              - ${LCOSNDIR:-./data}:${LCOSNDIR:-/supernova}
              - /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix

    Now, rerun the above command.

  This will take over your current terminal. Eventually, the terminal will print that the mysql host is ready to 
  accept connections
  1. In a new terminal (making sure the environment variables from step 9 are still set), log in to the pipeline container:
    docker exec -it lcosnpipe /bin/bash
    If you're configured correctly, you should be able to open a ds9 window now using ds9 command.
  2. From inside the container, initialize the database: sh /lcogtsnpipe/ You only need to run this command the first time you setup the db.
  3. From inside the container, run
    cd $LCOSNDIR
    mkdir -p data/lsc data/fts data/0m4 data/floyds data/extdata standard/cat/apass standard/cat/sloan standard/cat/landolt standard/cat/gaia
    This only needs to be done the first time you populate data in this directory.

You are now ready to use the pipeline!


Follow these instructions each time you want to use the pipeline.

  1. Make sure the MySQL server and Docker daemon are running.
  2. (MacOS only) Run XQuartz from the Finder.
  3. (MacOS only) Run this hack in the background to get the X11 forwarding to work:
    socat TCP-LISTEN:6000,reuseaddr,fork UNIX-CLIENT:\"$DISPLAY\" &
  4. (Linux only) Set you display environment variable to point to the docker connection using
    export LCOSNDISPLAY=`ifconfig docker0 | grep 'inet ' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{print $2}'`:0
  5. Make sure your $LCOSNDIR and $LCOSNDBPATH environment variables are set correctly.
  6. From inside the lcogtsnpipe directory, run
    docker-compose up
  7. From a separate terminal you can enter the docker container using
    docker exec -it lcosnpipe /bin/bash
  8. Run your desired pipeline processing commands
  9. When you're done, type exit to leave the Docker container.
  10. To stop the set of docker containers (your "pipeline server"), use control-c in the terminal you ran docker-compose up.
  11. To fully remove the containers (though not your mysql or data directories), you can run docker-compose down in the lcogtsnpipe directory.

Note that you can access the mysql database directly by using -h supernovadb inside the lcosnpipe container. You can access the database from your host machine, e.g. with sequelpro by setting the host to be and the port to be 4306. We choose this port so that it does not conflict with and existing mysql installation.

Manual Installation: Installing the Pipeline and Database

  1. Install msql

    1. Install MySQL server from:
      Note: you don’t need an Oracle account to sign up, there is a just start download link at the bottom of the page. Links from here were very useful:
    2. Additional notes for Mac users: I used the DMG for OS X to install. This installs things in /usr/local. You can see if mysql is installed correctly by going to System Preferences. There should be mysql icon. Clicking on this you can start a mysql server
  2. Set mysql to only throw a warning (rather than an error) when inserting or updating empty values into fields without default values:

    mysql -uroot -p
    mysql> exit 
  3. Create database called Supernova

    1. download supernova database:
    2. Connect to mysql as root:
      mysql -u root -p
    3. Create the supernova database:
      mysql> CREATE DATABASE supernova;
      Expected output: Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
    4. Create user supernova and grant privileges
      mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'supernova'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'supernova';
      mysql> exit
      Expected output: Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.01 sec)
    5. Create the supernova database and choose a password:
      mysql -u root -p *your-password* < *database-including-path*
      e.g. mysql -u root -p zenith < /Users/valenti/Desktop/supernova_2020-01-31.sql
    6. Check that the database structure has been loaded
      • Start mysql connecting to the supernova database as the supernova user and entering the password you just created
        mysql -u supernova -D supernova -p
        Enter password: *your-password*
      • Check that the list of tables matches the list of tables matches the list in Appendix A
        mysql> show tables;
        mysql> exit
  4. Prepare your pipeline environment using Anaconda

    1. If you do not already have it, download anaconda for Python 3 (
    2. Add the astroconda channel to your conda search path:
      conda config --add channels
    3. Create a conda environment called lcogtsnpipe for the pipeline that uses Python 2.7
      conda create -n lcogtsnpipe python=2.7
    4. Switch to your new lcogtsnpipe environment
      conda activate lcogtsnpipe
    5. install astroconda (for details
      • If you are running mac OS <10.15 (catalina) then install with iraf:
        conda install iraf-all pyraf-all stsci
      • If you are running macOS >= 10.15 (catalina) then install without iraf and see Appendix B for 64bit IRAF installation instructions. Then:
        conda install stsci
    6. Install astroquery
      conda install astroquery
    7. Install mysqldb
      conda install MySQL-python
  5. Install the pipeline

    1. Install git if you do not already have it (
    2. Download the pipeline:
      git clone
    3. Switch to the correct version of the pipeline
      cd lcogtsnpipe
      git checkout exportpipe
    4. Install the pipeline:
      cd trunk
      python install
  6. Set up directory for data and configuration file

    mkdir <your directory name>
    e.g. mkdir /Users/valenti/lco
  7. Set LCOSNDIR environment variable either on the command line for a single session or in your .bashrc or .bash_profile file (this assumes you are using a bash shell) that points to where your data will live

    export LCOSNDIR=<your directory name>
    e.g. export LCOSNDIR='/Users/valenti/lco'
  8. Set LCOSNPIPE environment variable either on the command line for a single session or in your .bashrc or .bash_profile file (this assumes you are using a bash shell) that points to your lcogtsnpipe git repository

    export LCOSNPIPE=<your directory name>
    e.g. export LCOSNPIPE='/Users/valenti/lco/lcogtsnpipe'
  9. Create configuration file named configure in LCOSNDIR with the following lines:

    database           supernova
    mysqluser          supernova
    mysqlpasswd        *your-password*
    proposal           ['']
    users              ['']
    triggerpass        ''
    extraobject        ['']
    skipobjects        ['auto_focus']
    proposalingestion  ['']
    ptfhost            ''
    ptfdatabase        ''
    ptfpasswd          '''
    ptfuser            ''

    Don't forget to fill in your password on the third line

  10. Install vizquery:
    Note: I had to sudo make install on my mac

Testing your installation

  1. Download test data:
  2. Add your test data to the Supernova database: -f snexdata_2020-01-30_07-37-02.455163_23_6139.tar
    Note: if you run this more than once, it may delete your entry. Check that the photlco table has rows. If not, run a third time.
  3. Create a standard star catalog for apass and sdss catalog for AT2020oi field
    Note: if you run this more than once, you may need to use the -F option to force the script to look again for a catalog
  4. Run cosmic ray rejection on the images: -e 20200101-20200129 -s cosmic
  5. Generate a PSF model for images: -e 20200101-20200130 -f apass --catalog=$LCOSNDIR/standard/cat/apass/ -s psf
    Where <path-to-your-conda> is the path to your anaconda installation
  6. Calculate instrumental magnitudes with PSF photometry, displaying output in DS9
    1. Open DS9
    ds9& -e 20200101-20200129 -s psfmag --show
  7. Find the zeropoint of the image: -e 20200101-20200130 -f apass --catalog=$LCOSNDIR/standard/cat/apass/ -s zcat
    Where <path-to-your-conda> is the path to your anaconda installation
  8. Find the apparent magnitude using zeropoint -e 20200101-20200129 -s mag  -F -f apass --type fit
    Note: this step may give you a warning at the end: Error 1364: Field 'targetid' doesn't have a default value
  9. Check the magnitudes you just calculated by plotting them -e 20200101-20200129 -s getmag --type mag --show

Appendix A: Expected output from show tables

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_supernova |
| aseatide            |
| atels               |
| classifications     |
| contention          |
| datarequests        |
| dbsyncs             |
| eseatide            |
| favorites           |
| glade               |
| glade_2             |
| groups              |
| headerdefaults      |
| hitslogger          |
| iaunames            |
| instruments         |
| interests           |
| lvc_galaxies        |
| lvc_triggers        |
| notes               |
| obslog              |
| obsrequests         |
| obsrequests_tags    |
| papers              |
| permissionlog       |
| phot_deprecated     |
| photlco             |
| photlcoraw          |
| photpairing         |
| programs            |
| psns                |
| reference_status    |
| scheduling_run      |
| schedulinglog       |
| spec                |
| speclcoguider       |
| speclcoraw          |
| tags                |
| targetnames         |
| targets             |
| telescopes          |
| timecharged         |
| useractionlog       |
| userrequests        |
| users               |
| voevent_amon        |
| voevent_lvc         |
| ztf_alerts          |
| ztf_targets         |
48 rows in set (0.00 sec)	

Appendix B: Installing 64 bit IRAF on Catalina

Liberally adopted from:

  1. If you haven’t already, install Xcode compilers
    xcode-select —install
  2. Set iraf environment variables (I don’t know if this is strictly necessary):
    export TERM='xterm'
    export IRAFARCH='macintel' 
    export OS_VERS='catalina'
  3. Disable System Integrity Protection
    1. Restart computer in recovery mode by holding down command+R during restart
    2. From the Utilities menu select terminal
      csrutil disable
  4. Restart your computer
  5. Disable read-only access to your root directory
    sudo mount -uw /
  6. Create iraf directory in /
    sudo mkdir /iraf
  7. Download IRAF
    sudo git clone
  8. Install IRAF
    1. Install IRAF
      cd iraf
      sudo git checkout 567961f
      sudo ./install
      set term to xterm
    2. Add scripts install bin to path (this will be printed to the screen during the install process. For me it was ~/.iraf/bin
      e.g. export PATH=‘/Users/bostroem/.iraf/bin':$PATH
    3. build iraf
      sudo make macintel
      sudo make sysgen 2>&1 | tee build.log
    4. Edit the last line of ~/.iraf/ replacing xgterm -e with xterm
    5. Install Pyraf Make sure you are in your lcogtsnpipe environment (conda activate lcogtsnpipe) conda install pyraf

Appendix C: Other packages you may need to install

Appendix D: Installing Source Extractor

In the directions below, is used repeatedly as a place holder for youractual username (e.g. bostroem)

  1. Install FFTW from source:
    ./configure --prefix=/Users/<your username>
    make install
  2. Install OpenBLAS from source:
    make PREFIX=/Users/<your username> install
  3. Install Source Extractor:
    ./configure  --with-fftw-incdir=/Users/<your username>/include --with-fftw-libdir=/Users/<your username>/lib --with-openblas-incdir=/Users/<your username/include --with-openblas-libdir=/Users/<your username>/lib --with-atlas-incdir=/Users/<your username>/include --with-atlas-libdir=/Users/<your username>/lib --enable-openblas
    make -j
    sudo make PREFIX=/Users/<your username> install
    Note: with these direction you do NOT need ATLAS
  4. Install vizquery:


this is the pipeline that ingest and reduce new data from the lcogt key project







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