Updated: January 2024
- Brewfile with all the technologies that can be installed with homebrew and applications that can be installed with brew cask on a new machine
- Countries database for PostgreSQL challenges
- Alumni provision instructions
- reset computer
- install Homebrew
- $
brew install git
- clone repo to root directory
- $
brew bundle --file ~/provision/Brewfile
- store all new apps in the doc
- install rvm
cd provision
brew services start postgresql; createdb; cp countries.sql ~/Desktop/countries.sql; psql -c "create database countries"; psql countries < ~/Desktop/countries.sql
- log in to PGAdmin and create a new object, run a test query
- create a test React app
- create a test Rails app
- install rvm
- $
rvm install 3.2.0
- $
rvm --default use 3.2.0
- $
gem update --system
- $
gem install rails
- Error on RVM install: error running __rvm_make j8 rvm, use
rvm install ruby-3.2.0 --with-openssl-dir=/usr/local/opt/openssl