ValChecker X AntiPublic
Now you can check if your accounts are private or not! If you have AntiPublic turned on, you will contribute your accounts to the big private database, so you and other people who use the checker, will be able to see if their accounts have already been checking before.
This is NOT necessary. If you wish to keep your accounts in a secret, just don't turn this on (you won't see if your accounts are private in this case).
AntiPublic is OFF by default, you can enable it in settings.
For it to work, you need the API key. You can ask for it on our server.
At the moment, the database is very small, so nearly all accounts will be private. But with time it will get better.
AntiPublic is in ALPHA. The server can be down, it can contain some bugs, etc.
It also works with single-line checker
Full Changelog: 3.16.1...3.17
Big thanks to ATA for letting me use his host UwU