- Java Installation
- Postgresql Or MySQL Installation
- Maven installation
- IDE, or CMD/Bash terminal
echo %JAVA_HOME%
echo %M2_HOME%
Update USERNAME/PASSWORD for the database table
Database schema : PRESLY
Database table1 : CONTACTSLIST
Database table2 : CONTACTSLOGS
Contacts database setting is found in folder main/java/dbase/dbConfig.java
Logs database setting is found in folder main/resources/log4j.properties
mvn clean install -X
mvn test
java -cp target/focusphone-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar com.setUp
Available options to manipulate the phonebook using console application.
"HELP - to lists all valid commands available in this application "
"ADD - to saves a new contact entry into the phone book"
"LIST - to lists all saved contacts sorted by date of entry"
"DELETE - to erase a contact from the phone book"
"NAME - to search for a contact by the contact name"
"NUMBER - to search for a contact by the contact number"
"UPDATE - to edit the phone number of existing contact"
"RESET - Deletes all database records and restores factory defaults"
"LOGS - to view past log data manipulations of contacts"
"EXIT - STOP using the Phone Book application console"
" To continue, please enter an action command here >>> ";
Here are screen-shots from the output of application's console