Docker for Openlink Virtuoso engine
docker run --name my-virtuoso -p 8890:8890 -p 1111:1111 -e DBA_PASSWORD=admin -e SPARQL_UPDATE=true -e DEFAULT_GRAPH= -v /home/batman/Desktop/virtuoso/db:/data -d tenforce/virtuoso
username = dba \fb admin configuration
pass = admin
docker start my-virtuoso
docker exec -it my-virtuoso /bin/bash
isql-v -U dba -P admin
ld_dir('dumps', 'filename.nt', 'http:bsbm_<size>.org');
select * from DB.DBA.load_list;
\\ lists all data which has been loaded so far, a status integer 2 means load was successful
SELECT ll_graph, ll_file FROM DB.DBA.LOAD_LIST; \\ optional
commit WORK;
To query using the BSBM test generator, first navigate to the bsbm-tools folder from which you created the dataset. Then, use the following command:
java -cp bin:lib/* benchmark.testdriver.TestDriver http://localhost/sparql
OR, if your java doesnot recognize asterisks '*' then;
java -cp bin:lib/ssj.jar:lib/log4j-1.2.15.jar benchmark.testdriver.TestDriver http://localhost/sparql
Also, you can type the following command to run the test driver via its executable provided with the bsbm-tools;
./testdriver [-ucf usecases/explore/sparql.txt] [-u http://localhost/update] [-udataset dataset_update.nt] [-runs 128] [-w 32] [-t 30000] http://localhost/sparql
where; -t = timeout (msecs); 30s in above exmaple;
-runs = no. of query mixes to run; default=50;
-w = no. of warmup queries; default=10;
-ucf = path to usecase file;
-o = output file containing the aggregated result overview. Default: "benchmark_result.xml";
-dg = Specify a default graph for the queries. Default: null;
-mt = Benchmark with multiple concurrent clients. e.g.: 4;
-rampup = Run test driver in ramp-up/warm-up mode. The test driver will execute randomized queries until it is stopped - ideally when the store reached steady state and is not improving any more.;
-u = If you are running update queries in your tests this option defines where the SPARQL update service endpoint can be found.
-udataset = The file name of the update dataset.
-uqp = ; The forms parameter name for the SPARQL Update query string. Default: update