This code allows to geographically disaggregate inventories of electricity production technologies in Spain. Departing from the 'electricity production' dataset of a certain technology, it explores a number of tiers specified by the user, it collects all flows that happen onsite (i.e., direct emissions from gas combustion in a gas power plant, excavation activies during the installation, diesel burned in a building machine during the installation or emissions from the machinery that collects the waste for final disposal). Transport flows are considered onsite. This concept is applied to all technologies included in the Spanish Energy and Climate National Plan, which include: pumped storage, hard coal, lignite, wind onshiore, wind offshore, photovoltaic openground, photovoltaic rooftop, solar tower, solar parabolic, natural gas, oil, nuclear, hydro, and cogeneration (wood chips and natural gas).
The tool is built using the capabilities of Brightway2 (Mutel, 2017).