ENBIOS is an analytical framework for the estimation of environmental impacts of energy system configurations as calculated by energy system optimization models. More information about ENBIOS can be found here
Sparks is an open source repository to soft-link LCA data and energy system configurations from Calliope, generating an input file for ENBIOS.
pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt
from Sparks.util.base import SoftLink
enbios_mod = SoftLink(r'testing/data_test',
'BW25_project name')
enbios_mod.data_for_ENBIOS(smaller_vers=False, path_save=r'test.json')
The SoftLink class requires a path to a folder with different files. First, you need to include the basefile (see an example here. It's an Excel file describing the energy technologies, inventory data, file sources, methods, conversion factors and the dendrogram.
run the preprocess function will transform the data into an enbios like-file, while also adapting the units according to the conversion factors.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.