This repository provides an example of MPC optimiser for planning. One should be aware that this is just one of the implementations of solving an MPC problem, and there also remains some improvement.
$$s.t. \ x_{k + 1} = Ax_k + Bu_k \ \left[ \begin{matrix} x_{min, k} \ u_{min, k} \end{matrix} \right] \leq A_{ineq} \left[ \begin{matrix} x_k \ u_k \end{matrix} \right] \leq \left[ \begin{matrix} x_{max, k} \ u_{max, k} \end{matrix} \right]$$ where
$x_k$ is state variable; -
$x_{k, r}$ is state reference; -
$u_k$ is control variable; -
$Q_N$ is usually solved by an algebraic discrete Riccati equation.
In this section, we will modify
$$J = \min_{x_k, u_k} \sum_{k = 0} ^ {N-1} \left[\left(x_k - x_{k,r}\right)^T Q \left(x_k - x_{k,r}\right) + u_k^T R u_k + \dot {u}k^T \dot{R} \dot{u}k\right] + \ \left(x_N - x{N,r}\right)^T Q_N \left(x_N - x{N,r}\right) + \sigma_k^T W \sigma_k$$
where, specifically, in this equation,
$x_k$ represents$[s_k, \dot{s_k}]^T$ ; -
$x_{k, r}$ represents$[s_{k, r}, \dot{s}_{k, r}]^T$ ; -
$u_k$ represents$\ddot{s}_k$ ; -
$\sigma_k$ represents slack variables.
We have a standard QP formulation as below.
First of all,
$$\dot{u}0 = \frac{u_0 - u{-1}}{\Delta t_{-1}}$$
Thus, the control part is $$\begin{aligned} u_k^T R u_k + \dot {u}k^T \dot{R} \dot{u}k &= u_k^T R u_k + \frac{(u_k - u{k-1})^T}{\Delta t} \dot R \frac{u_k - u{k-1}}{\Delta t}\ &= u_k^T(R + \frac{\dot R}{\Delta t^2})u_k + u_{k-1}^T\frac{\dot R}{\Delta t^2}u_{k-1}\ & - u_k^T \frac{\dot R}{\Delta t^2} u_{k-1} - u_{k-1}^T \frac{\dot R}{\Delta t^2} u_{k} \end{aligned}$$
Then, we have $$P = \left[\begin{matrix} Q \ & \ddots\ & & Q \ & & & Q_N\ & & & & R + 2\frac{\dot R}{\Delta t^2} & -\frac{\dot R}{\Delta t^2}\ & & & & -\frac{\dot R}{\Delta t^2} & \ddots & \ddots\ & & & & & \ddots & R + 2\frac{\dot R}{\Delta t^2} & -\frac{\dot R}{\Delta t^2}\ & & & & & & -\frac{\dot R}{\Delta t^2} & R + \frac{\dot R}{\Delta t^2}\ & & & & & & & & w\ & & & & & & & & & \ddots\ & & & & & & & & & & w \end{matrix} \right]$$
We consider an error differential equation
Here, we have $$ x_k = \left[s_k, \dot s_k\right]^T \ u_k = [\ddot s_k] $$
Then, $$ \begin{aligned} A_c &= \left[ \begin{matrix} 0 & 1 \ 0 & 0 \end{matrix} \right] \ B_c &= \left[ \begin{matrix} 0 \ 1 \end{matrix} \right] \end{aligned} $$
Thus, the equality constraints
####ß Inequality Constraints
Generally, maximum ranges of acceleration and jerk of the ego vehicle constrain a speed planning problem. Slack variables are often applied to relax station and velocity constraints. In this section, we only support to relax
where $$\begin{aligned} a_{\dot u, k} &= \left[ \begin{matrix} 1 \ -1 & 1 \ & \ddots & \ddots \ & & -1 & 1 \end{matrix} \right] \ b_{\dot u, k, max} &= \left[ \begin{matrix} u_{-1} + j_{max}\Delta t \ j_{max}\Delta t \ \vdots \ j_{max}\Delta t \end{matrix} \right] \ b_{\dot u, k, min} &= \left[ \begin{matrix} u_{-1} + j_{min}\Delta t \ j_{min}\Delta t \ \vdots \ j_{min}\Delta t \end{matrix} \right] \end{aligned} $$
Please Note that we do NOT support to constrain lower slack variables
Similar to Longitudinal MPC, we start Lateral MPC with its state transition equation. With vehicle dynamics, we have
where $$\begin{aligned} x(0) &= x_{init} \ A_c &= \left[ \begin{matrix} 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \ 0 & -\frac{C_{\alpha f} + C_{\alpha r}}{mv_t} & \frac{C_{\alpha f} + C_{\alpha r}}{m} & \frac{-C_{\alpha f}l_f + C_{\alpha r}l_r}{mv_t} \ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \ 0 & -\frac{C_{\alpha f}l_f - C_{\alpha r}l_r}{I_zv_t} & \frac{C_{\alpha f}l_f - C_{\alpha r}l_r}{I_z} & -\frac{C_{\alpha f}l_f^2 + C_{\alpha r}l_r^2}{I_zv_t} \end{matrix} \right] \ B_c &= \left[ \begin{matrix} 0 \ \frac{C_{\alpha f}}{m} \ 0 \ \frac{C_{\alpha f}l_f}{I_z} \end{matrix} \right] \ \tilde{B}c &= \left[ \begin{matrix} 0 \ -\frac{C{\alpha f}l_f - C_{\alpha r}l_r}{mv_t} - v_t \ 0 \ -\frac{C_{\alpha f}l_f^2 - C_{\alpha r}l_r^2}{I_zv_t} \end{matrix} \right] \end{aligned} $$
To discretise the problem, two-step Euler method is applied on
$$ \begin{aligned} x_{t + 1} &= \left(I + A_cx_tdt\right) + B_cu_tdt + \tilde{B}_c\tilde{u}tdt \ &= \left(I + A_cdt\right)\frac{x{t+1} + x_t}{2} + B_cu_tdt + \tilde{B}_c\tilde{u}_tdt \ &= \left(2I - A_c dt\right)^{-1}\left(2I+ A_c dt\right)x_t + \left(2I - A_c dt\right)^{-1}B_c u_t dt + \left(2I - A_c dt\right)^{-1}\tilde{B}_c\tilde{u}_t dt \end{aligned} $$
where $$ \begin{aligned} x_k &= \left[ \begin{matrix} l_k \ \dot{l}k \ \psi{s, k} \ \dot \psi_{s, k} \end{matrix} \right] \ u_k &= \left[\delta_k\right] \ \dot u_k &= \frac{u_k - u_{k - 1}}{\Delta t}\ \tilde{u}k &= \left[\kappa{s, k}v_k\right] \end{aligned} $$