Gitlab Reporter is a tool that aims to provide the necessary toolset, like a Swiss army knife for generating the required output used by the Gitlab Widgets.
The coverage report generation is based on the implementation available at
Currently it merges multiple files from several code linters and outputs them combined using the code climate file format. This allows the use of preferred linting tools and combining them with the Gitlab Code Quality Widget (
This tool only supports files in the checkstyle
For javascript projects using eslint the flag --format=checkstyle
is required:
npx eslint --format=checkstyle --ext .ts src/ -c .eslintrc.js
For golang projects using golang-ci the flag --out-format checkstyle
is required:
golangci-lint --out-format checkstyle run ./...
Generating a single code quality report
go run cmd/gitlab-reporter/main.go codequality --source-report sample/eslint-checkstyle.xml --reporter-tool eslint
Generating a combined code quality report
go run cmd/gitlab-reporter/main.go codequality --source-report sample/eslint-checkstyle.xml --source-report sample/golang-checkstyle.xml --reporter-tool eslint --reporter-tool golangci-lint