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gares committed Oct 10, 2024
1 parent a4418af commit 4aef400
Showing 1 changed file with 54 additions and 52 deletions.
106 changes: 54 additions & 52 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -555,56 +555,6 @@ module C = Constants
[@@deriving show, ord] *)

module Types = struct

type typ = (Ast.Structured.tattribute,Ast.Structured.functionality) Ast.Type.t
[@@deriving show, ord]

module Set = Util.Set.Make(struct
type t = typ
let compare = compare_typ
let show = show_typ
let pp = pp_typ

type types = {
set : Set.t;
lst : typ list;
def : typ;
} [@@deriving show, ord]

let make t = { set = Set.singleton t; lst = [t]; def = t }

let merge t1 t2 =
let l2 = List.filter (fun t -> not @@ Set.mem t t1.set) t2.lst in
match l2 with
| [] -> t1
| _ :: _ ->
set = Set.union t1.set t2.set;
lst = t1.lst @ l2;
def = t2.def;

let smart_map (f : typ -> typ) (t : types) : types =
let set' = f t.set in
let lst' = smart_map f t.lst in
let def' = f t.def in
if set' == t.set && lst' == t.lst && def' == t.def then t
else { set = set'; lst = lst'; def = def' }

let append x t = {
set = Set.add x t.set;
lst = x :: t.lst;
def = t.def;

let fold f accu t = List.fold_left f accu t.lst
let iter f t = List.iter f t.lst
let for_all f t = List.for_all f t.lst


module ScopedTerm = struct

type scope = Local | Global
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -677,7 +627,7 @@ module ScopedTypeExpression = struct
| Ty of e
[@@ deriving show]

type t = { name : F.t; value : v_; nparams : int; loc : Loc.t }
type t = { name : F.t; value : v_; nparams : int; loc : Loc.t; indexing : Ast.Structured.tattribute option }
[@@ deriving show]

let rec eqt ctx t1 t2 =
Expand All @@ -700,6 +650,58 @@ module ScopedTypeExpression = struct


module Types = struct

type typ = ScopedTypeExpression.t
[@@deriving show, ord]

module Set = Util.Set.Make(struct
type t = typ
open ScopedTypeExpression
let compare { name = name1 } { name = name2 } = name1 name2
let show = show_typ
let pp = pp_typ

type types = {
set : Set.t;
lst : typ list;
def : typ;
} [@@deriving show, ord]

let make t = { set = Set.singleton t; lst = [t]; def = t }

let merge t1 t2 =
let l2 = List.filter (fun t -> not @@ Set.mem t t1.set) t2.lst in
match l2 with
| [] -> t1
| _ :: _ ->
set = Set.union t1.set t2.set;
lst = t1.lst @ l2;
def = t2.def;

let smart_map (f : typ -> typ) (t : types) : types =
let set' = f t.set in
let lst' = smart_map f t.lst in
let def' = f t.def in
if set' == t.set && lst' == t.lst && def' == t.def then t
else { set = set'; lst = lst'; def = def' }

let append x t = {
set = Set.add x t.set;
lst = x :: t.lst;
def = t.def;

let fold f accu t = List.fold_left f accu t.lst
let iter f t = List.iter f t.lst
let for_all f t = List.for_all f t.lst


type macro_declaration = (ScopedTerm.t * Loc.t) F.Map.t
[@@ deriving show, ord]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1221,7 +1223,7 @@ end = struct
| Ast.TypeAbbreviation.Lam(c,loc,_) -> error ~loc "only variables can be abstracted in type schema"
| Ast.TypeAbbreviation.Ty t -> ScopedTypeExpression.Ty (scope_loc_tye ctx t)
{; value = aux F.Set.empty value; nparams; loc }
{; value = aux F.Set.empty value; nparams; loc; indexing = None }

let compile_type_abbrev abbrvs ({; nparams; loc } as ab) =
let ab = scope_type_abbrev ab in
Expand Down

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