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[compiler] corrected bug of previous two commits
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FissoreD committed Oct 7, 2024
1 parent ecb7093 commit 6d16cd2
Showing 1 changed file with 32 additions and 52 deletions.
84 changes: 32 additions & 52 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1235,7 +1235,7 @@ let preterm_of_ast loc ~depth:arg_lvl macro state ast =

let to_mode = function Ast.Mode.Input -> Input | Output -> Output

let type_expression_of_ast loc ~depth:arg_lvl macro state (ast: Ast.TypeExpression.t) : State.t * ttype * bool =
let type_expression_of_ast loc ~depth:arg_lvl macro state ast =

let stack_funct_of_ast curlvl state f : State.t * ttype =
try state, cons2tcons ~loc @@ F.Map.find f (get_varmap state)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1272,35 +1272,26 @@ let type_expression_of_ast loc ~depth:arg_lvl macro state (ast: Ast.TypeExpressi
let state, a = aux lvl state a in
let state, b = aux lvl state b in
state, TArr(a, b)
| TPred (_,l) -> (* TODO: Check if function is in the _ *)
(* let _ =
let x = snd l in
Format.eprintf "AAA %a %a\n%!" Loc.pp loc (Format.pp_print_list Ast.TypeExpression.pp) x;
in *)
| TPred (_functional,l) -> (* TODO: @FissoreD _functionanlity should be taken into account *)
let rec aux' state = function
| [] -> state, []
| (m,t) :: xs ->
let state, t = aux lvl state t in
let state, l = aux' state xs in
state, ((to_mode m,t)::l) in
let state, mode_type = aux' state l in
(* set_spaghetti_printer pp_const (fun fmt e -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s" ( state e)); *)
(* let _ =
let x = snd mode_type in
Format.eprintf "BBB %a %a\n%!" Loc.pp loc (Format.pp_print_list pp_ttype) x;
in *)
state, TPred (false, mode_type) (* TODO: the bool depends on if the functionality is passed to the pred *)
state, TPred (false, mode_type) (* TODO: @FissoreD false should be replaced wrt _functional *)
let a, b = aux arg_lvl state ast in a, b, false
aux arg_lvl state ast

let typeabbrev_of_ast loc ~depth:depth macro state (ast: Ast.TypeAbbreviation.closedTypeexpression) : State.t * ttype * bool =
let typeabbrev_of_ast loc ~depth:depth macro state ast =
let rec aux depth state = function
| Ast.TypeAbbreviation.Lam (x, t) ->
let orig_varmap = get_varmap state in
let state, c = Symbols.allocate_bound_symbol state depth in
let state = update_varmap state (F.Map.add x c) in
let state, t', _ = aux (depth+1) state t in
set_varmap state orig_varmap, TLam t', false
let state, t = aux (depth+1) state t in
set_varmap state orig_varmap, TLam t
| Ty t -> type_expression_of_ast ~depth loc macro state t
aux depth state ast
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1346,25 +1337,16 @@ let preterms_of_ast loc ~depth macros state f t =
state, (fun (loc,term) -> { term; amap; loc; spilling }) terms

let type_expression_of_ast loc ~depth macros state f (t: Ast.TypeExpression.t) : State.t * pretype list =
let pretype_of_ast ~of_ast loc ~depth macros state t : State.t * pretype list =
assert(is_empty_amap (get_argmap state));
let state, term, spilling = type_expression_of_ast loc ~depth macros state t in
let state, terms = f ~depth state term in
let state, term = of_ast loc ~depth macros state t in
let tamap = get_argmap state in
let state = State.end_clause_compilation state in
(* TODO: may have spurious entries in the amap *)
state, (fun (tloc,ttype) -> { ttype; tamap; tloc }) terms
state, (fun (tloc,ttype) -> { ttype; tamap; tloc }) [loc,term]

let type_abbrev_of_ast loc ~depth macros state f t : State.t * pretype list =
assert(is_empty_amap (get_argmap state));
let state, term, spilling = typeabbrev_of_ast loc ~depth macros state t in
let state, terms = f ~depth state term in
let tamap = get_argmap state in
let state = State.end_clause_compilation state in
(* TODO: may have spurious entries in the amap *)
state, (fun (tloc,ttype) -> { ttype; tamap; tloc }) terms
let type_abbrev_of_ast = pretype_of_ast ~of_ast:typeabbrev_of_ast ;;
let type_expression_of_ast = pretype_of_ast ~of_ast:type_expression_of_ast ;;

(* exported *)
let query_preterm_of_function ~depth:_ macros state f =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1403,7 +1385,7 @@ let query_preterm_of_ast ~depth macros state (loc, t) =

let compile_type_abbrev geti lcs state {; nparams; loc; value } =
let state, (taname, _) = Symbols.allocate_global_symbol state name in
let state, tavalue = type_abbrev_of_ast loc ~depth:lcs F.Map.empty state (fun ~depth:_ state x -> state, [loc,x]) value in
let state, tavalue = type_abbrev_of_ast loc ~depth:lcs F.Map.empty state value in
let tavalue = assert(List.length tavalue = 1); List.hd tavalue in
if tavalue.tamap.nargs != 0 then
error ~loc ("type abbreviation for " ^ name ^ " has unbound variables");
Expand All @@ -1413,7 +1395,7 @@ let query_preterm_of_ast ~depth macros state (loc, t) =
if C.Map.mem taname m then begin
let { taloc = otherloc; tavalue = othervalue; taparams = otherparams } =
C.Map.find taname m in
if taparams != otherparams || othervalue.ttype != tavalue.ttype then
if taparams != otherparams || othervalue.ttype <> tavalue.ttype then
error ~loc:taloc
("duplicate type abbreviation for " ^ state taname ^
". Previous declaration: " ^ otherloc)
Expand All @@ -1422,7 +1404,7 @@ let query_preterm_of_ast ~depth macros state (loc, t) =

let compile_type lcs state { Ast.Type.attributes; loc; name; ty } =
let state, (tname, _) = Symbols.allocate_global_symbol state name in
let state, ttype = type_expression_of_ast loc ~depth:lcs F.Map.empty state (fun ~depth:_ state x -> state, [loc,x]) ty in
let state, ttype = type_expression_of_ast loc ~depth:lcs F.Map.empty state ty in
let ttype = assert(List.length ttype = 1); List.hd ttype in
state, { Types.tindex = attributes; decl = { tname; ttype; tloc = loc } }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1943,12 +1925,13 @@ end = struct (* {{{ *)

let rec read_ty = function
| TApp(c,x,[y]) when c == D.Global_symbols.variadic -> `Variadic (read_ty x,read_ty y)
| TApp(c,x,[y]) when c == D.Global_symbols.arrowc ->
| TArr(x,y) ->
let ty_x = read_ty x in
begin match read_ty y with
| `Arrow(tys,ty) -> `Arrow (ty_x :: tys, ty)
| ty -> `Arrow([ty_x], ty) end
| TConst x when x == D.Global_symbols.propc -> `Prop
| TPred (_, l) -> `Arrow ( (fun (_, t) -> read_ty t) l, `Prop)
| _ -> `Unknown

let type_of_const types c =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2866,11 +2849,9 @@ let quote_pretype time ~compiler_state new_state { tloc; ttype; tamap } =
| TApp(c,x,xs) -> mkQApp (mkQCon c :: List.(map (aux depth) (x :: xs)))
| TCData x -> App(cdatac, CData x,[])
| TPred (f, l) ->
(* TODO: (flemma) for compatibility modes are ignored. Consider them! *)
(* Format.eprintf "LOC %s %a\n%!" ( tloc) (Format.pp_print_list pp_ttype) ( snd l); *)
(* TODO: @FissoreD (flemma) for compatibility modes are ignored. Consider them! *)
let l = List.rev_map snd l in
let t = List.fold_left (fun acc e -> TArr (e, acc)) (List.hd l) ( l) in
(* Format.eprintf "The arrow type is %a\n%!" pp_ttype t; *)
aux depth t
let term = aux tamap.nargs ttype in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2927,30 +2908,29 @@ let quote_syntax time new_state { WithMain.clauses; query; compiler_state } =
let unfold_type_abbrevs ~is_typeabbrev ~compiler_state lcs type_abbrevs { ttype; tloc; tamap } ttime =
let loc = tloc in
let rec subst lvl (args: ttype array) = function
| TConst c when c >= 0 -> args.(c-lvl)
| TConst c when c >= 0 -> args.(c)
| TConst _ | TCData _ as t -> t
| TLam t -> subst (lvl+1) args t
| TLam t -> error ~loc "lambdas should be fully applied"
| TArr (a, b) -> TArr (subst lvl args a, subst lvl args b)
| TPred (f, l) -> TPred (f, (fun (a,b) -> a, subst lvl args b) l)
| TApp (a, b, c) -> TApp (a, subst lvl args b, (subst lvl args) c)
let rec beta lvl (eaten: ttype list) t args =
match t, args with
| TLam t', x::xs -> beta (lvl+1) (x::eaten) t' xs
let beta t args =
let rec aux lvl t xs =
match t, xs with
| TLam t', x::xs -> aux (lvl+1) t' xs
| t, [] ->
(* Format.eprintf "Calling subst on %a\n%!" pp_ttype t;
Format.eprintf "with args on %a\n%!" (Format.pp_print_list pp_ttype) eaten;
Format.eprintf "depth is %d\n%!" lvl; *)
subst 0 (Array.of_list eaten) t
| _, _::_ -> error ~loc "higher-order types do not exist"
subst 0 (Array.of_list args) t
| _, _::_ -> error ~loc "higher-order types do not exist" in
aux 0 t args
(* Format.eprintf "Going to unfold %a\n%!" (pp_ttype) ttype; *)
let error_undefined ~t1 ~t2 c (tavalue: pretype) =
if is_typeabbrev && t1 <= t2 then
error (Format.asprintf "typeabbrev %a uses the undefined %s constant at %a" pp_ttype tavalue.ttype ( compiler_state c) Util.Loc.pp tavalue.tloc);
let find_opt c = C.Map.find_opt c type_abbrevs in
let rec aux seen = function

(* Format.eprintf "Going to unfold %a\n%!" (pp_ttype) ttype; *) let rec aux seen = function
| TConst c as x ->
begin match find_opt c with
| Some { tavalue; taparams; timestamp=time } ->
Expand All @@ -2976,7 +2956,7 @@ let unfold_type_abbrevs ~is_typeabbrev ~compiler_state lcs type_abbrevs { ttype;
Format.eprintf "lcs is %d\n%!" lcs;
Format.eprintf "Args are [%a]\n%!" (Format.pp_print_list pp_ttype) (t::ts); *)
error_undefined ttime time c tavalue;
aux time (beta 0 [] tavalue.ttype (t::ts))
aux time (beta tavalue.ttype (t::ts))
(* aux (C.Set.add c seen) (R.deref_appuv ~from:lcs ~to_:lcs (t::ts) tavalue.term) *)
| None ->
let t1 = aux seen t in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3034,12 +3014,12 @@ let static_check ~exec ~checker:(state,program)
let ttypet = unfold_type_abbrevs ~is_typeabbrev:false ~compiler_state initial_depth type_abbrevs ttype 0 in
(* Format.eprintf "Going to quote_pretype %a\n%!" pp_ttype ttypet.ttype; *)
let state, ttypet = quote_pretype time ~compiler_state state ttypet in
(* Format.eprintf "Going to close_w_binder %a\n%!" pp_term ttypet; *)
state, App(colonc,c, [close_w_binder forallc ttypet ttype.tamap])) state
state, l :: tl)
types (state,[]) in
let tlist = List.concat (List.rev tlist) in
let tlist = List.concat (List.rev tlist) in

(* Building functionality *)
let state, functionality = C.Set.fold (fun tname (state,tl) ->
let state, c = mkQCon time ~compiler_state state ~on_type:false tname in
Expand Down

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